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I've never,truely,loved & lost until my beloved Ragdoll Molly died.How will I ever carry on when my Mom & Dad pass away? Molly,my angel,I miss you so much.

I've never,truely,loved & lost until my beloved Ragdoll Molly died.How will I ever carry on when my Mom & Dad pass away? Molly,my angel,I miss you so much.

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Category: Secrets

I love my cat too and I'm a tough guy. Go figure. I guess cause after my divorce it was only her and me in that house with no furniture.
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Sorry for your lose.i to will be losing my sweet Tiger.he has been with me since he was 6wks old.he is now 16yrsAND 3months
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I'M the guy who wrote the first comment, and you little b**** are a nothing so STFU.Little cunt.
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OP> Anyone who is ignorant and doesn't know the horrible pain that comes with losing a beloved pet regardless of the species should keep their mouths shut. When my girl Molly died you wouldn't have dared said to my face things like, "its only a cat or suck it up" Never will you talk down to me and Molly,Never. And to the guy who wrote the 1st comment,I hope that you have many happy years in your life and that your cat will be there to enjoy them with you,through thick and thin. OP
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to Tigers owner, I wish there was a way to take away the pain but there is not. You and Tiger have something that alot of people will not understand and thats a bond that can only be made over time. Cry for tiger,cherish every moment that you have left with Tiger, Tiger deserves it as do you. Hold him,kiss him tell him how much you love him, he understands. God bless you and Tiger. OP
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i lost my george a - snow bengel- at just over 2 yrs - my kids were devestated and i still miss him
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