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I hate my dad's wife. I know she aborted my future sibling. They don't know that I know. I wanna tell just to hurt her, but hurting her means hurting him too.

I hate my dad's wife. I know she aborted my future sibling. They don't know that I know. I wanna tell just to hurt her, but hurting her means hurting him too.

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Category: Secrets

grow the FuCk up, it was not your decision so keep your nose out of it. just because he is your dad doesn't mean you are entitled to interfere with their relationship. he is a big boy and can make his own choices....even if you don't agree.
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there may be issues surrounding it that you don't know about, I hope you've thought about that before you judged her
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^obviously this person lacks the maturity to think of any one elses feeling's but their own. it is her body and regardless of her reason she had the right to do what she did. i mean come on op, if you found out your mom had an iud would you hate her for "killing" your unborn brothers and sister's because she chose a contraceptive that made implantation of a fertilized egg not happen? woman have a right to choose whatever birth control option they want, and yes abortion is a form of birth control which is legal for a reason!!! stop obsessing over your step mom's vag and get a life!
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^The post was about his angst towards his dad's wife. It wasn't a pro-life rant.
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2up-I just know you are one of the posters that thinks it's not creepy to pass a dead baby around. Am I right?
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^^really i think the op was saying that they were judging their step mom for something that has nothing to do with them personally. it doesnt matter what the step mom's reasons were they should be respected. call that a pro life rant if you want but it pertains specifically to what the op wrote in there post.
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^^what is it with you and dead babies?
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*op here actually, the baby would have proved that she was having an affair on her first husband with my dad, that they both swore up and sown they didn't do. I personally am a pro-choice person. I simply don't think that a baby should have died just so 2 people could go through with their lies.
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^why do you feel the need to judge them? how do you know those were the only circumstances, and why is it your place to try to hurt them, what is the point??? considering you sound like a selfish little brat i would assume this would make you happy... one less sibling to "rob" you of your inheritance lol!!!
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hey op, if both your father and step-mother knew of the abortion, and of her cheating on her ex with him, then they're not really keeping a secret, they're just not telling people thier business. You really do sound like a little brat, and that some of these 'facts' might just be made up in your head.
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*op here: Personally, I can see where you think I'm a "selfish brat." But I know what's going on in my family. Making up lies for the hell of it wastes too much of my time. As for the "inheritance" quip, you obviously think we have money. Far from the truth, I'm paying for school out of my own pocket and work full time. So I get that judging comes with this site, but wow, some of the things that come out really come out of nowhere. Go judge someone else.
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^hey aSShaT you posted a stupid secret and admitted to wanting to hurt your own father just because you can. if you can't see how immature and selfish that is no wonder you have a shitty relationship with your family. GROW UP!
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op, please answer three questions. why do you feel the need to hurt your step mom and father? what did they do to you? and lastly, what would you gain by hurting them?
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All I have to say Love is love, ithink and know this couple love one another from the heart, leave them alone
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