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I know a young girl. she is going to trial because she was raped repeatedly by her father. and ended up having his baby. i cry for her.she puts on a happy front

I know a young girl. she is going to trial because she was raped repeatedly by her father. and ended up having his baby. i cry for her.she puts on a happy front

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Category: Secrets

that is so sad....where was her mother during all of this?
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Thank you for caring!!!!
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Poor thing. It's so sad when someone that is supposed to love and protect you hurts you so deeply. I'll never understand. Sending prayers up for her....
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um.. sounds like that movie precious.... lol
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sounds like a knife to the fathers face would helped to solve his problem.
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the friend of my parents who was supposed to be baby sitting us raped me and my two younger brothers, he was going for my youngest brother, when I stabbed him with a steak knife in the kidney, he was screaming and bleeding on the floor, I poured bleach on him. I was 9. my brothers do not even remember any of it, they were 1, 4, and 5 years old. I dont know what ever happened to the guy named bob. but I know the police officer told me I was a strong big brother. I now supervise investigations of child abuse. some times I wish I had some more of those nasty serrated steak knives, because now I am bigger and stronger.
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sad, so sad. 1^ i'm sorry for what happened to you and your brothers. you were a strong and brave big brother, thankfully. wishing you
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i wonder what it's like being a child of a daughter and a father. i suppose there have been many cases like that even in recent times. you have to call it a case. it's a case.
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All of us have deep deep dark desires... I believe. But 99.99% of us do not act on them because we recognize the evil in it. Those that act on these desires have failed as humans and should be shut away or destroyed because they are truly monsters.
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I know a woman that (as a fourteen year old) was sold by her mother to her mother's boyfriend. They had three children. The Boyfreind is now doing a state jail sentence for other crimes (including pedifilia and Dumping his fathers dead body so he could continue tocollect his fathers welfare benifits). This woman is now about 40, has two other children with a man who allows dogs and barn animals to live in the house and defecate all over the house. No running water, no bathroom. (Hard to beleive isn't it) but tis' true.
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im OP. this girl is 14.. her baby is a year and a half old. :'(
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how horrible a man like that should be MADE to suffer Chemical Castration Treatments!!!
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This is very sad to me . I too was molested and later raped by my fathers cousin starting at the age 6 till I was 11 . My parents knew but told me to keep my damn mouth shut . I still have nightmares and I am 42 now.I hope the girls father gets life or the death sentence . Because she will never heal completely . I will pray for her and her child .
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My first cousin was sexually molested by her father but I don't know whether she was actually raped by the a** ****. She didn't tell anyone until the son of a b**** was dead and buried. I spit on his grave.
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Should the baby be named after the father?
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just kill him
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