Places for help:
If you cant go on:
In two weeks if I don't get a job I'll be homeless and living in my old truck. I do odd jobs but it's not enough for rent. Not sure I'm ready for this.

In two weeks if I don't get a job I'll be homeless and living in my old truck. I do odd jobs but it's not enough for rent. Not sure I'm ready for this.

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Category: Secrets

hang strong man
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I feel for you. Greedy doctors have broke me and I'm worse than before seeing them.
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When pushed to that type ofsituation you do what you got to do. Just stay positive and do your best. Good Luck.
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I lived in my Ford van for 3 years and had a wonderful time seeing the U.S.A. Life is a adventure made the most of it. Good or Bad it goes by very fast.!! If you do stupid thing stop !!
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op here: it just sucks losing my apt. it's a great location and private my LL has been great even offering to lower my rent by $100 till I get going but I just cant make enough.
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what do you do for a living?
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Here in the Detroit area we are in the same situation. Once the big 3 auto plants went down we lost our jobs. Can you imagine working for 30 years for a company and they just walk in one day and tell everyone they're being let go. We have families and homes and bills. This is a nightmare for many people. I can only pray that jobs come back to America and people need to step up and stop buying anything from other countries!
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At least you don't have kids. I have kids and am pregnant and my husband lost his job. This blows
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find a roommate
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I'll be your roommate. Do you care if I bring my chickens and my rooster?
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A lot of people are in the same situation. Things are scary right now.
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be thankful these are the warm months.
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check out the vandwellers group on yahoo, they might help
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Americans made it through the Great Depression, and so will we. We just forgot how good we had it. It's gonna be tough for a while, but it will all come back. I'm almost losing my first house (just able to keep my house with no extras), and am VERY thankful for that. Who knows if it'll last, but I'm thankful for what I have now. Best of luck to everyone out there.
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I feel for you I just lost ajob and they are making it diffcult for me to collect unemployment. I don't know what to do if denyed. Good luck I hope something comes through for you!!
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There's a lot of age discrimination out there for the recently unemployed who are out looking for jobs. If you're over forty, go ahead and give up...
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I feel for you my friend. You might need to relocate, but keep your chin up. Check churches to see if they can help. I have been there and done that.
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Turn to crime
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