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How do I "get over" a person driving a wedge between our family? How can you trust her after 2+ years of constant lying your child? Who is more important?

How do I "get over" a person driving a wedge between our family? How can you trust her after 2+ years of constant lying your child? Who is more important?

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Category: Secrets

Some people don't, and never will get it...The child will grow up, (if they are not an adult yet)and they will resent the situation and the parent who allowed such behavior. They will pay dearly, sadly most of them are too brainwashed to miss their own child's love and relationship. The child(or adult) must move on and never look back, they will never be treated the way they deserve to be. Mourn the loss of what could have been, and find the happiness that is deserved.
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In stead of getting over them, find a way to fix it. If your asking how to get over something chances are you dont want it to be over.
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^It's true, don't walk away unless you are sure. You owe yourself to do what's best for your well-being. Best wishes to you, however you decide. Maybe you all have a chance! Unlike I did. :(
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Need more details. Generally speaking 1. time will take the sting out 2. there is no 'get over' button. 3. You don't trust a person who has a proven track record of lying. Even if they make the effort to try to change, they will fail here and there. Habit is habit. Who is more important than what? Yes, I would love to do this for a living.
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