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I want to give up. My daughter is miserable because she doesn't have her dad around, I can't pay all the bills on one income...I'm fucked no matter what I do.

I want to give up. My daughter is miserable because she doesn't have her dad around, I can't pay all the bills on one income...I'm fucked no matter what I do.

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Category: Secrets

Failure exists,only if we quit trying,.Don't quit your daughter needs you
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You get a better job. Or better education. Life doesn't stop because the marriage is over. Do better FOR your child!
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I am a guy. I was financially ruined in my divorce. I am going to college for the first time just to try to get a better job so I can avoid poverty in old age. You should look into it. For a quicker job, you can attend a school that teaches a Certified Nurses Aide class. The course can be as short 3 weeks to 5 months. You'll make between 10.00 to 12.00 per hour. That will be a start until you figure out what you need to do in the future. Just hang in there and try not to bang on the dad to your daughter too much. I know that is asking alot, but when you slam him to her, it just makes to mood worse. How old is your girl? Best wishes.
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sorry momma! (((((hug)))))
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what about child support from her father?. If thats not possible they are goverment programs to help out.
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3 up, it is nice to hear that a REAL man who is mature and compassionate is taking the time to read the secrets on here! I wish there were more like you in this world!?
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hey come stay with me I'm in money trouble to we can combine and survive together.I'm serious
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My ex-husband got hooked on drugs. He abandoned me and my two sons forcing us on welfare. Believe me there were times I didn't think I could make it, but I did and both of my children were babies in diapers. Please don't give are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for. You sweetheart hold all the power, for you are Mother. There is no greater title to have. You dust yourself off...lift you and your child/children up out of this the best way you can. Show that scumbag you can win! I did and it's sooooo worth it. My children are happy and healthy, the ex lives in the gutter he made for himself. Life's justice is good!
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grow and sell weed, seriously it's the savior of many single mothers
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I'm sorry dolly, i been there and it gets easier to handle the shits of the won't get better either but you don't really have a choice. Do things that bring you joy and you will make it. I was f***ed the minute i was born and it's never really gotten any better. XXX OOO
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You need to hang in there!! I'm a single male parent raising 3 alone 4 the past 10 yrs.I know what your saying but in the end your daughter will thank you for standing by her side.My kids resented me for years for taking custody but 2 graduated high school 1 more to go,now that there older I actually got a thank you dad for being there!! that was an awesome feeling.Don't give up he's not worth it.Best of luck.
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these comments made me feel better abt myself. and im not the poster. thanks,
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I am the OP. Thank you all so much for your comments. It is encouraging to read them and know I'm not alone. My daughter is 13...and she is my reason for getting up in the morning. Her dad does pay child support...but $55 a week doesn't really do much in this day, and I actually have a pretty well paid job. It's just not enough to pay all the bills. I will make it just seems so overwhelming. Thank you for not being mean on your comments, that just isn't what a person needs!
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^^^ I am the 11th up. I have excellent advice for you. Go to a college and purchase a Human Development book(I recommend this approach. I think it will be more concise.) or find a thick one(thicker it is, the more information) at bookstore or library. It will teach you all kinds of things about your yourself, but especially your adolescent child. She is 13, which is a time when her hormones are blasting with all kinds of hormones and thought changes. I swear, I promise that you will get so much out of that book, you will be amazed and very grateful. I just finished that class. I wish I would have taken the course when I was 20. I am 51 now.
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^^thnak you so much for all your advice. It really makes me feel comforted that there are kind people out there who really do want to help others. I hope that some day I will be able to return the favor.
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I'm with ya girlie.. I have 2 boys and a pos ex that has spent more in one year on tattoos and piercings than he has his own kids..(and no child support).. what a loser.. I can't stand that f*** face. My kids are the ones who are paying by being let down when he says "No you can't come over until your "weekend"" :(
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I'll rent your daughter from you, does she have big titties?
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