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My husband had a texting girlfriend he swears they never did anything. it was just texting and 1 or 2 phone calls. i want to beleive him. we have a 6 month old.

My husband had a texting girlfriend he swears they never did anything. it was just texting and 1 or 2 phone calls. i want to beleive him. we have a 6 month old.

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Category: Secrets

Well if he says nothing is going on, I wouldn't believe him. Best way to fight fire with fire is get yourself a texting boyfriend I am sure he won't mind as long as nothing is going on except a few phone calls. he sounds like a real jerk. play his game and see if he trusts U
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^^^^ I absolutely agree with the first post. Furthermore, something is going on. Brace yourself. Trouble is on your horizon. Do not give him the benefit of the doubt. I assure you, someting is happening behind your back and most likely already has before you found out about this girl.Find someone who will innocently text you, but don't let him know who it is. Play his game and watch how he reacts. After you f*** with him for a while, you may as well pack up and move on. I guarantee, your relationship with him will be over within the next five years. Whether you want it or not.
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Three sum. Then you'll know!
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Relationships are built on trust, consideration and respect. If his behavior is hurtful to you, regardless of the reason, he should respect you enough to modify it. Too many people give up on relationships and are quick to run away. Give your situation serious though. You know the right answer - your gut will tell you.
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the internet and the cell phone are MAJOR players in affairs.One time my ex told me on her cell she was driving on the interstate. I didnt believe her so I told her to blow the horn on the car car 3 times ! Suddenly we got disconnected-IMAGINE !!!!!!!!
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Once a liar ALWAYS a liar!GET OUT NOW, before you waste ANY more time on him.
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regardless of whether it was in person or not, he is a cheater. You stay with him(if married)get yourself a generous post-nup and No PRIVACY..let him kiss your ass daily for the rest of your life(this will only work if you give him a fair new start). If not married, give him NO PRIVACY. Besides, if he is doing nothing wrong he will not need any. OR you could always tell him to kick rocks now, get a good lawyer, and let him take care of his child. You already know what you need to do, be brave and do it. Your kid will thank you later.
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to add to the above, I see now that you ARE married. Add alimony to the cost of him taking care of his child. I hope he has money and a good job, if he doesn't, take whatever you can get, no matter how little the amount. Marriage is a contract emotionally, financially, and physically to be there for your spouse forever. HE BROKE THE CONTRACT, HE WILL PAY.
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he is a lying sack of dog crap
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^^ up 2..............take some MIDOL !!!!
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why? would Midol change the circumstances? Didn't think so. someone had to say it. what if she hadn't considered the above? sharing a view doesn't hurt, maybe it could help.
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He could be telling the truth. Take this as an early warning sign that something is wrong in your relationship and ADDRESS it NOW.
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^that is also a good point! seek therapy, no matter what.
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Maybe your not there for him in an emotional way. When people step outside their relationship it is the spouse's fault to a certain extent. I know that sounds rough but we so often get caught up in our own lives we forget about others even if they are screaming for something from us.
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Get yourself a texting boyfriend. Maybe that will wake him up. If not then find someone else. Sounds like he's a pathetic sneaky wuss who can't admit he's having an affair.
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STOP !! smell the barn yard yes it's very likely in your house.
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He is cheating on you regardless. He is "claiming" nothing happened physically but if he taking time away from you and your child to "text" this girl then its CHEATING.. Wake up.
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They were humping, and you KNOW it!
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become swingers
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f*ck that guy, sounds like he sucks
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I'll come over to your house and you and I can have wild passionate sex in your bed, that will teach him.
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^^Sounds like you suck faggot!
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Well, you don't know anything for sure. But women are so retarded to think that a child ties a man the way it ties a woman. Some men run in fear of the responsibility. Your baby is not insurance and may just be a liability in the case of straying.
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Follow Ur heart... and u decide what's best for u and Ur child...My husband tried that once ..we talked it out ...stress can b a huge player here... please don't play games that won't do anything but bring more me ....
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Been there...done isn't just a few phone calls....dump him and get a real who is true to you.
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Ghe reason he is lying is because he messed up. He thought the grass would be greener, but was sorely mistaken! He loves you. If it continues, then he is in love with the "game". I believe in mistakes. I was in this exact same situation with my husband. He regrets it everyday, which has made our relationship stronger. I feel for you. Hang in there if you feel its worth it. I don't think it has anything to do with you being a "real" woman or man! It is YOUR heart on the line, no one elses!
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