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My two sisters are gorgeous. They both have boyfriends. I'm the ugly duckling & I'm older than they are & I've never had a boyfriend. I feel really invisible.

My two sisters are gorgeous. They both have boyfriends. I'm the ugly duckling & I'm older than they are & I've never had a boyfriend. I feel really invisible.

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Category: Secrets

I see you.
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you know what? get off your butt and do something about it!!! go to a hair stylist and get a new hair style...then head over to the makeup counter and have a lady show you how to apply a day time and a nite time look....then go into a clothing store, look at the manikins and try to come up with similar looking clothes that fit your body type. feel free to ask a sales lady for help with sizes and layering suggestions...she works there and knows the inventory. once you have some new clothes, a great hair cut and know how to apply your makeup you will feel better and more confidant which will translate into making you more approachable to men. and start flirting....flirt with the checkout boy, flirt with the old guy who changed your oil, flirt with that cute guy across the coffee shop. bat your eyes, tilt your head, run your fingers through your hair and touch the person your flirting with lightly on the arm as you laugh at their jokes. once you tell the universe you are ready it will happen!!!
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there is no such thing as total natural beauty...and you just need a boost!
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^agreed!!! go look up marylin monroe pics before and after she does her makeup...the difference is amazing! i also think regular exercise can help boost your self esteem :)
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may be you need to hit the GYM more often...well I assumed you're fat as well ; )
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I don't have the same situation but I often feel invisible. It does suck, you're right there.
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Damn, talk about piss-poor self-esteem. So, just because your sisters can get boyfriends, you think you have to base your self-worth on that? I dated a girl whose sister always pretended to be better than the girl I dated. I don't know whatever happened to the rivalry, but I always hoped somewhere down the road of life she made a major mistake so profound that the girl I dated could sit back and make a fool of her.
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Oh, their poppa is white and rich? What an ass I am for saying that. Ha.
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^I saw that movie!
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I'm a guy and I can honestly say that looks don't matter to me as much as self esteem. If a woman (just like a guy) feels self confident and loved, than it'll show and that's what is truely attractive. My sister is EXACTLY like you, but my friends tell me how good looking she is. I don't tell her about them because really she's gay. The point is, this is more just your perspective. You should stop feeling sorry for yourself and be a little more out-going. Really there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to showing a guy you like him...just make sure he's single first. I had to learn that about women and I know it's true about men.
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are you old enough yo have a boy friend ? I;ll date you
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Ha, you would....
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I wood not!
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You wood. Na na.
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I wood knot. You should see my show.
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The wood knot knot snort port short show? It's on every Wednesday. Never miss it. Love that knot in woddies pants right?
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Right! =D
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Walk up to every man you see and offer him a blow jog and then anal sex. You'll get plenty of boyfriends then.
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A blow jog would take some talent to avert serious injury.
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Yeah I tried a blow jog once and I couldn't chew for a week.
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For many years, all through high school and college, I thought my two younger brothers were more handsome than me, and that was why they had girlfriends, sex, etc. When I was looking over family pictures with my present wife before we were married, she saw a picture of the three of us and asked, "Who is who?" Only then did I realize that I looked like my younger brothers, and that I was not unattractive at all!
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