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So ashamed I turned away Ted when he returned from Nam.  My hair was in curlers so I turned him away. Tried 20 yrs to find him.  Now he is dead. I'm so so sorry

So ashamed I turned away Ted when he returned from Nam. My hair was in curlers so I turned him away. Tried 20 yrs to find him. Now he is dead. I'm so so sorry

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Category: Secrets

Remember: He didn't turn away from his COUNTRY
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Yes, I realize that so much. I was 17, stupid and not understanding what this man went through. I wrote over 100 letters to Ted Hill's over 20 years. I tried so hard to find him to apologize. Then I heard he had died. I cried for days. To all the Viet Nam and all other Vets, THANK YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY.
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Sly in Vietnam. Took a bullet in the head. Bobby OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed. They were two more friends of mine; two more friends had died.
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My most Humble Apology if I hurt your feelings.
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My friend Ted represents so many Viet Nam Vets who went through hell yet made it home to an unwelcome nation. Then his life was never the same. God Bless All of YOU who served in Nam. I know there are 100's of stories like Sly's comment above. I wish there was more we could do to help those Viet Nam Vets still on this earth. And now, our Vets, men and women in that war. My heart breaks that we are doing Viet Nam over again. And I read the suicide rate is so high. What can be done to stop this ? I don't know....but each and every one of us HERE can welcome these VETS back home...write to them and communicate often and thank them for their courage and for all they continue to endure. I have 3 friends from O'Keefe High in Atlanta who died in Viet Nam. They are resting in Crest Lawn Cemetary in Atlanta. I try and visit their graves when I am in Atlanta. They died in 1968, 69, 70... Let me hear from more of you. Perhaps in sharing, we can help one another heal. I am so ashamed that I didn't realize how stupid I was. And I hope that Ted can look down from heaven and see me still trying to reach out to him.
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My friend's brother died in his 40s from Agent Orange. He was in transportation. He says on several occasions he drove down roads in the countryside where the foliage was dead everywhere from the Agent Orange dropped by planes. It was just a f***ed up war and now we are doing the same thing in the name of expansionism.
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Agent Orange is still killing our Viet Nam Vets. I just spoke to a man the other day who was having problems directly related to Agent Orange. Dying at something our country did to them. I wonder if the people spraying Agent Orange had any idea what they were doing to our own Americans ? And today over in Irac and Afganistan....I wonder what chemicals those men and women are being exposed to? This was is a repeat of Viet Nam to me. And did we win that war ? Did we win this war ? Are any government officials kids over there fighting and being exposed to nightmares for the rest of their lives...if they live ? GET OUT PEOPLE OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND LEAVE THOSE PEOPLE THE HELL ALONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sly, how are you doing now ? A bullet to the head >>>>>>> MAN. Take care.
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2^Get the hell out of our country, white man, and take your cadmium laced mcdonald's playtoys with you.
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^^The cadmium toys are from China. I agree with your white man comment. I am one of those guys. It slays me with laughter to hear all these people talking about how this is an English speaking country. It is actually a Native American speaking country.
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^^5 up. We are more advanced in harming our troops than we were in Vietnam. Soldiers returning from the first Gulf War have been complaining about crippling ailments. The suspected cause is depleted uranium from the bombs used to punch through deep bunkers. It is more corporate and military bullshit as in 'Nam. It just has a different face.
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^Not more advanced, just less worried about getting caught/more ambitious. Troops have been guinea pigs for medical experiments ever since the ADA took over in the 1920s.
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I like the Native American who spoke with 3 comments up. You are so right. It makes me sick when they say "Columbus" discovered America. In fact today is "Columbus Day". The Native Americans were here first and look how the white man treated them. The "Trail of Tears". It is such a sad thing how they were ran out of their own land. Man...this secret is opening all kinds of open wounds. At any rate, we are all Americans and I include all the people even Middle Eastern families that live here in peace. There are tons of wonderful Muslum people. I blame Bush's Dad for getting us into this mess then Buss Jr. took over in Dad's footsteps. I wish we could bring every single woman and man back to America to their families and loved ones. All Americans serving our country...not just this or that race or color or belief...but everyone in the military. Bring them home.
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The only RACE we have to worry about is the Human RACE.If not were "Doomed"
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Good job.
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How about all of you looking in the mirror and asking yourself why your children, grand children and the rest of your families who can serve are not doing it, we have raised a complete bunch of cowards who could give a shit less, parents man up, get down and take all the money , toys, cars and freedoms away until the youth and the rest of you committ to protecting their country. I still serve.
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I served during the Viet Nam war and I am still angry at how we were treated when we came home. You took your uniform off as soon as you were in civilian territory. War marks your soul, you are never the same.
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You are such a rotten b****. You should kill yourself!
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I agree with 2 comments up who shares that "War marks your soul, you are never the same". They served in Nam and removed their uniform as soon as they got back. I remember a vet coming home and gathering up all their previous friends and treating us to supper. Why didn't we invite and treat them? Back then, there was little understanding of how a "ground war" affected our troops. Growing up in the 60's, so many young people were anti-war and marched saying "Give peace a chance" or "Brings our troops home". So here we are in 2010 and we are still divided on this issue. I'm still in my 60's mindset and would move my son and grandson to another country to save them from having to go to war. Of course now, we don't have the "DRAFT". It is volunteer. But even with volunteer........look at the problems, the suicide rate, the mental issues. I just HATE WAR. No, I don't hate our country, I just hate war. I hate seeing men and women in caskets and seeing their families falling to pieces over their loss. And I feel for our enemies families who see their loved ones dead or injured. And think about right now in America at every Veterans Hospital...all the brave people there with terrible war wounds, terrible nightmares, God Bless All Veterans from any war our country has fought. Bet Bush doesn't have family members serving over in the Middle East. Anyone know ?
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Viet Nam vets are a bunch of dopers and whiners who blame all their problems on someone else.
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I don't agree with the above comment. Absolutely not true. The Nam Vets have stepped forward on so many occasions to help one another. They continue to make a difference. I went to the Viet Nam Wall in Washington and looked up all the names of my friends who died in Nam. Hell of a place. Anyone else gone there ? That is a great tribute, in my opinion. At least, we can go there and look up their names, leave a note, a picture, a flower. I like the statue there also. Some Vets won't go and I understand that too. Just too painful. Calling the Nam Vets dopers and whiners who blame all problems on someone else.////You are so wrong...SO WRONG.
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