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I feel sorry for all the past secrets that get forgotten about after a few pages.  Poor more responses, no more decoding.  And Time moves on.

I feel sorry for all the past secrets that get forgotten about after a few pages. Poor more responses, no more decoding. And Time moves on.

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Category: Secrets

Sometimes I pick a random page and read old secrets. They truly tug at the heart. Makes me feel all sorts of things. Sometimes feel human again.
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I do the same. The graveyard does get visited.
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I do visit old ones also. There are a few I wish I bookmarked.
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Secrets are never really forgotten. They exist all around us even if they are not acknowledged. This is why it is good to continue speaking them, not just here but everywhere so that their silence holds no power. Secrets kept inside have the power to kill a person. They turn into cancer and infection. How we heal is we tell the story so it is a secret no longer and so that we can all learn and be empowered by the experience. No need to feel sad because all secrets bubble to the surface eventually.
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.....The truth will set you free.
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But you still comented on you didn't you. And it will stay up until someone presses the 'Remove this stupid comment'. Which I am not going to do and I am the one who posted the stupid comment. And it's still my secret. Life is strange!
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my secret, I read them all.
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pg. 551 post, "we died embracing". People either hated it or loved it. I loved it. And pg. 99. I miss you picture. It just got people. Everyone blurting out their loved ones names. I am a romantic fool so...
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There should be a page where you can see all the pics of the posts in condensed form so you could just click on them
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^ Yeah I like that idea...yikes I might up on the site longer.
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Oh my God, I feel the same way. I feel like I get involved with someone and we share back and forth...then they are gone. Sometimes I go back a long ways and find some that I wrote to a while back. I love this site and I've shared a personal secret of my own. The advice helped me a lot. THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP THIS SITE UP AND SO INTERESTING AND HELPFUL !!!
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Some secrets are best forgotten.
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^ But the above statement is true...they never really are...
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^ no, they never really are, and some of us long to make are secrets know!
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I long to not have to hide my secrets from even a secrets forum. It would be worse if they were known though.
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We owe it to ourselves to harbor a secret or two ...
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