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I never realized how long it actually takes to get over someone. I would think 6 months is a long time but it's been almost 2 years for me. Wth

I never realized how long it actually takes to get over someone. I would think 6 months is a long time but it's been almost 2 years for me. Wth

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Category: Secrets

Thats because you never get over somebody if you still love them... I should know. It's been 2 years for me too. My heart was smashed in 2008. My EGO won't let me look for him. He is happy with her in another state..
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Get a f-buddy. It will help
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^ Not always!
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The best way to get over someone is in the arms of another.
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I think a f*** buddy can actually help. It won't heal, but it will help. I also agree that the best way to get over someone is in the arms of another.
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I didn't. I felt nothing...wierdest experience I've ever gone through. Freaked me out...maybe one day.
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I know exactly how you feel. In January it will be two years for me. I still think about him and wonder what could have been. Everytime I think I am ready to move on, it is always him that pops into my mind. I can't even think about trying to start a relationship with anyone else. It just wouldn't be fair to them.
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If the arms of another works for you, it wasn't a very strong connection. If the arms of three fails to get you over them, you're hopelessly stuck.
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^I am hopelessly hasn't been 20 years, but more than 2,3,4,5....and so on, and so on. And I think to myself so this is what real love is! It doesn't go away, damn!
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Make sure the other isn't a freaking career criminal first.
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^sounds like you had a fun time!LOL
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whats a career criminal?
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While all the input posted here is helpful in occupying your mind, I have found that time is the only thing that heals. Seems like 2 years is the pattern here. I lost the love of my life then too. She did exactly what she had to do and I can't blame her. I would love to pick up the pieces and mend everything but I cannot do that until I have picked up my preverbial pieces of life and make me whole again. Good luck and for what it's worth, I LOVE YOU, who ever you are.
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They same time heals all wounds. That little antidote is heard to believe when half the party is still in love. I was married for 19 years, until my wife confided to me that her "feelings" have changed for me. We've been separated 1.5 years. I went on my first date only 2 weeks ago. Just found out she's been seeing someone for a year. Although I enjoy this ladies company, I still long for my wife's love. I'll eventually come to my senses and awaken to reality. One thing I'm learning in this whole mess, don't beat yourself up. You'll have good days, bad days and ugly days. We all hope to have the former. Peace.........
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Time doesn't heal all wounds.
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^ is it festering?
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That's what happens when wounds go uncared for.
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I cared for mine and then I somehow reopened it. I think I'm going to call it a National Landmark and call it a day.
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I finally found a way to involve friends in caring for mine. Wounds and burdens meant to be's decades old so I suppose it'll still be the day I die, but that's ok, because care seems to be what it's all about.
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Real women don"t get over men...they get everything. lol
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^ Really... I would love that!
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Yes, it can take years to get over somebody. And it is not an easy process! Had I not gone through the process of "getting over it", I would never have met the remarkable woman who shares my life today! (M65)
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