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I wish the US population would riot like they have in France & Greece but Americans are fat and lazy and I don't think they'll get off their couches. Get Angry!

I wish the US population would riot like they have in France & Greece but Americans are fat and lazy and I don't think they'll get off their couches. Get Angry!

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Category: Secrets

Viva la Revolucion!!! I totally I agree with you.
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Revolution about revolting
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^And it's all being done today. OP, Decide one specific thing you are sick of, and take it out. There's always a way, though you may need to learn new skills like lockpicking, hotwiring, and disguising yourself. Annoying car ads on the radio? Why not paint bomb the auto lot? Or perhaps use hydrochloric acid on the radio tower supports? Revolution is available to you, young vandal, just don't get caught and don't expect national attention. There have been numerous instances of rampaging pedestrians spiking SUV tires, but you won't hear about them on tv...the revolution will not be televised.
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The Europeans are rioting because they live off the government, and that is going broke supporting them. The teat is being pulled away!! Here in the States, most still survive off their own hard work, and then what is there to revolt against?? We work hard and the government has little effect. But considering trends in place, even in the states even more are finding a place at the government teat.
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Wake up! Our country is run by big business...your vote means NOTHING. Politicians are their tools. Business has learned they can function by making 1 do the work of 3. Business is making RECORD PROFITS! Our jobs are gone, they won't be coming back. The US Dollar is virtually worthless, soon the rest of the world will not accept our dollar. Prices will skyrocket! You will not be able to buy food. Stop NAFTA and GATT! Dissolve the Federal Reserve, it is a private, Tax-Free business and no more Federal than Federal Express. Wake up! Our country has been stolen from us!
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It's happening on small levels already. It's also being done smarter than just getting violent. The main reason why the bigger revolution has not come to fruition yet is because most americans are unaware of the deception going on. The mind control must be broken first. So part of the revolution is to inform, inform, inform of the greater scheme happening and wake as many peple up as possible. Great comments so far. Yes, get angry! Get off your meds to dumb you down, get on some healthy foods so you can think and feel again and ban together with others who are awake anyway you can. It's coming fast so get ready!
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A Revolution, A true revolution needs only one thing to get going: a leader. But let's face it. no one in the US is willing to stick their neck out to be a leader. People talk big on the internet but in reality they'd crap themselves at the thought of loosing their possessions, their freedom and possible their lives. The net is full of "Parlor Pinks" as they're called. So kick back and talk about it all you want, nothings going to happen to make it begin because we (myself included) are all fat, dumb and happy here in the USA. We know it but few admit it.
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I thought the tea party was a Revolution. Long live the tea party!
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I really disagree with most of the violent actions. I would think America should start by no longer paying taxes, why do we pay people that no longer work for us?
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^ Do some research on this. We aren't SUPPOSE to pay taxes, and you don't HAVE to pay taxes. There ARE loopholes. Ask anyone that's a millionair and has a good lawyer.
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The French and the Greeks are the fat and lazy ones. They are the ones living off of the government. They are the ones willing to surrender to anything except a shower and a hard days work.
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if you want a roit then start it.
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move to Greece....back in !!!
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RE the 'leader' - no. The time has ended for leaders and it is time to come together as a collective. It has to be the whole of us and it will be once the awakening has become great enough. It all must come to pass differently than the current conquerers have done it throughout history. This revolution can no longer be about one person in power. We must all be empowered within ourselves and work as a team. No more pyramids and no more slaves. Freedom.
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It is sad that we still complacently live under a police state. How can there be justice if it must be purchased?
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I teabagged a teabagger. Fuckin whiny, privileged, white hypocrites. They goosestep really well, though.
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If you want a revolution, start one.
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We don't riot because we're a FREE people. Only people who live in captivity or bondage (such as in kingdoms) feel the need to break free. We're still free, but don't know how long that will last under the current administration.
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Wow...I'd be careful about calling people names if I were you. If it weren't for us working people, you welfare a** ****s wouldn't have food, or a place to live, or a cell phone, or weekly appointments to get a pedicure....careful with the name calling. Might backfire on your lazy asses.
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^Nah, you'll keep working anyway. Gimmee your taxes!
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April 26th, 1992. There was a riot on the streets tell me where were you?
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Just hang on a little longer. Obama's gonna fix everything
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^ Keep dreaming.
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It's starting. Occupy Wall St. is first, then someone's gonna get killed, and the corporate whores are gonna try to go Rambo with private police armies.But I got more ammunition.
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All the Americans care about is their video games, reality TV like the Kardashians, and feeding their faces with junk food. This country has changed 180 degrees since the days of my youth! (M 66)
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