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My wife is mentally ill, her parents are both alcoholics.  We're getting divorced and I'm scared about what will happen to our baby girl.

My wife is mentally ill, her parents are both alcoholics. We're getting divorced and I'm scared about what will happen to our baby girl.

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Category: Secrets

You need to start a fight and make her look nutty. Do this several times over the course of time. Each time calling the police. Then file for divorce and take custody.
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^^I agree
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why do people rush into having kids? fukc you
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I bet she says you are the one that is mentally ill. Who is correct? Both? Neither?
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Dude, I can so relate to you. My ex wife's mom was an alcoholic. Her personality was all over my exwife, even though my ex was not a big drinker. If there was any question before, I know without a doubt we are a product of our parents. If you want to find a good woman, study her parents before you study your new girl. Know them and you will know their daughter.
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^...CORRECT !!!...and if you happen to be curious as to what she will look like middle age....go see mama-BINGO the same is in store for you, good or bad.
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your bride is goofy.....JOIN THE CLUB !!!!
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Take the kid with you...there's no law against that.
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Why the hell would you have a child with a mentally ill woman ??
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^^^Because pussy has a strange attraction to many men in the heat of passion. Once the novelty wears off we men begin to see the reality of the one we are with. Unfortunately for the Op, it was too late.
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If you really love your daughter then try to help her mother as best as you can. A daughter needs a mother if she can possibly have one. I'm not saying don't get divorced, I am just saying help your child and her mother.
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spend some money. get a good lawyer
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oh yeah....every daughter needs a fruit loop mom...yep
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Every daughter needs a mother and we don't get a chance to choose what we get - we have to come to terms with it and make the best of it. No daughter deserves to be ripped from their mother if there was any chance at all of them having some sort of peaceful relationship.
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If the mother truly is mentally ill, fight like hell for custody.
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Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
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Pregnancy is the most widespread std known.
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