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My social anxiety is crippling me. I feel like I'll never get over it. I can't speak in class and people freak me out.

My social anxiety is crippling me. I feel like I'll never get over it. I can't speak in class and people freak me out.

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Category: Secrets

Try to find help for it.I'm 34 and still trying to deal with it.Best of luck!
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There are alot op people out there like you, So ur not alone. Go get some help and start taking amll steps to make urself feel more confident.
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Go on get out there guaranteed once you get to know some of these people better you will realize, they are just as anxious, they just cover it up good
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Proprioceptive activities really help with anxiety.
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You may think that everyone is worried about you, but no one is paying attention because they are too busy being worried about themselves. Keep in mind that we are all in the same boat: We are all winging life as we live it and no matter how much someone claims that they know what is going on, they really don't; none of us do. Don't take life too seriously; no one get's out alive anyways.
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one word....doobies
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dont fart in a phone booth, especially if ppl are waiting to use it.
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