Places for help:
If you cant go on:
When you use your gas voucher to drive from your HUD house to use food stamps at the grocery could at least say thank you.

When you use your gas voucher to drive from your HUD house to use food stamps at the grocery could at least say thank you.

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Category: Secrets

^...another democrat chatting on his Gubment paid for computer !!
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people need to take more pride in themselves, quit abusing the system and get a f***in job! im tired of paying for ur fat lazy ass to punch out kids and rack in on ur food stamps
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^u love paying to kill brown people in other countries though.
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Man is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire.
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^^^^^ 5 up....welfare junkies are NOT my fellow Americans!
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The poor we will always have with us (Jesus said), but I sure get tired of the free-loaders in the bunch. Yes, I am a woman, a veteran, a republican, a conservative, a Christian, and I both work and vote!
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Well, I am a left-of-center independent and I get pissed off at people who scam the government at my expense. The citizens need to rise up and demand that eligible welfare recipients must attend college or a trade school, berequired to carry at least a C-grade, and a few classes each semester in order to get a check each month. I would rather see my tax money go to help them with college rather than watch them scarf off society each month.
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^^ 2up...I admire your outlook, however I would call that a lil to the right of center, which we need more of !!
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Make the freeloaders take a drug test before they get their free checks like the working people have to have to work a job to pay the taxes to provide for the freeloaders. Wake up people. The fed gubmint is broke, states are broke counties and cities and even school districts are broke because too many people have their hands out and not enough people contributing to the system. That's not dem or repub. That's fact
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I work two jobs. They ought to at least wash my car n mow my yard.
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its a mess...the greater Miami school system is now 60% Highspanic....the remaining 40% are white, black and the rest-a FACT !!
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2^ 30 dollah.
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^^^6 up. I am 7 up: Yeah, that's all we need; more Republicans. Then maybe we can pretend that our government runs with less welfare. You know, like we do when they hand out all those perks to corporations as we watch our jobs shipped by those same people, to slave wages in other countries. Then we have to listen to their mouthpieces, such as Limbaugh, tell us how our country is going to hell because of the democrats.
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^..1 again..ok, if it makes you feel better, I'll call you a democrat, but I still like you philosophy calling out the welfare junkies etc and I still feel we need more like you even if you need to be called a democrat for some reason, keep going !!
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If only I had gotten knocked up at 16 and shot out a few kids since...I wouldn't be stuck working 65 hours a week to barely keep a roof over my head and be living (literally) paycheck to paycheck. But I didn't. I paid for my own college. I paid for my own car. I pay for my own stuff. So, you'll just have to excuse me if I get a little miffed when I see welfare whores (men and women) getting to go to school for free, getting all the gorceries they need, getting housing for free...they are the people I have to wait on at my second job - and I really want to smash their faces sometimes.
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^ so true, and wait till Blowbama gets done and it will be 3X as bad !!
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Nothing more to be said than what the OP said. Oh, well, maybe I could say WELL SAID!
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...4 up..Me here once more. Dude, don't insult me by saying I'm a Democrat. They are no better than the Republicans. At least the Republicans admit they are corporate hacks. The democrats pretend they are for the working class, then siphon out of the same corporate coffers as their opponents across the isle. I quit voting when Obama ran. No, not because he is black either. I really don't care who is in office if they are actually for the people. It is because of the obscene amounts of money to run for the office. Until unlimited amounts of campaign money is taken out of the elections and until lobbyists are outlawed, I will not vote again. Which, of course, means I will never enter another polling place in this lifetime.
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^6above me: Heh, get an education
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(where's the rest of my comment?) get an education because you do not understand economics, clearly.
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^^^1 up. Ohhh, yeesss. Get an economics degree! Then I can utilize the statistics I studied to manipulate the figures until they suit my agenda. One does not need economics to understand Capitalism. For the citizens struggling paycheck to paycheck, all they need to understand is the philosophy behind what really makes it tick. Follow the money back to Washington, D.C.
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6^ After he gets done cutting heating assistance in winter. The script you know is a lie, the real script is much worse.
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Funny thing...I work and pay taxes but i also get foodstamps. You know some of us aren't worthless douchebags, we just need a little help till we get on our own.
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^^^I agree with that one.
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^^ Nothing wrong with that. Republican train of thought is, "I've got mine, so screw the less fortunate".
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We must never forget that Republican George W. Bush destroyed our nation.
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I work in Social Services and I must admit it gives me a secret smile when some republanazi comes in expecting what he's been told people get. Then he gets welcomed to the real world and what little help there really is for people. And the way you have to shame yourself for what little there is available.
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5 up. You at least have the right idea! You work and use the foodstamps UNTIL you can get back on your feet. You did not make it a career. And the to you, dumb ass poster that works in social services. Since when did you inquire about a person's politics before giving them food stamps? When did that make a difference? You won't give them a piss test to get food stamps, but you'll ask their political affiliation? Who's posting dumb ass bull shit now? I think you are dumb ass.
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The bottom line is that Bush did not screw up this country. It has been declining for 30 years. If you are going to blame him for the present crisis, you need to realize it was the Democrat, Barney Frank, who designed the mortgage law which allowed virtually anyone to get a loan-whether they could afford it or not. Bush signed legislation for the bailout. Obama could have reversed it. He did not. Instead, he bailed out the bankers and now he is cutting from the working class and the poor to make up the difference. You people who support our current political system are mindless sheep who deserve everything coming over the horizon in this country. Trust me, it is not close to getting as bad as it will be within 10 years.
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I know at least 3 people PERSONALLY that are living in a house for NEXT to NOTHING...get nearly $400.00 a month in FOOD STAMPS...get GAS VOUCHERS for their running around...get other monetary assistance from the state..AND ALL of them are enrolled in College Courses FOR FREE. All because they have 3 kids? Fair? Enabling? Why do they get the leg up to "better themselves"? What about those of us who didn't fall of track in the first place? What do we get - just a lifetime of supporting others while we break our backs working for every penny we can scrape together??
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What we get for doing our part to be productive members of society is screwed. We pay taxes to take care of the lazy a** ****s referenced in the post above and we get screwed. We take piss tests to get jobs to support people who can't pass a piss test! Where is the logic? The justice? How is that right?
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nice propaganda... let's blame the destitute people.
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Dude, how many of them are destitute by choice? And how did I become responsible for their circumstances? But it's my paycheck they take until just past July 1st (over HALF MY WAGES) to support these people....
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i doubt people decide they're going to live under a bridge, or in a shelter with their kids. i believe they make mistakes along the way and end up in dire straits. i refuse to hate them. it's unchristian, among other things. i pay a lot of taxes and i wish more would go to ensure a safety net for people (fellow americans) in need, than to subsidize wars, the agro-industrial complex, or the banking system. my jobless, hopeless neighbors could potentially harm me much more than a cave dwelling arab/afghani or a bonus-less c.e.o.
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Wow, someone has been asleep. Did you miss the part in the news that these cave dwelling arabs/afghani's have managed to get nuclear weapons into the harbor at San Diego? What did harbor patrol miss? You better wake up and start noticing what's really going on around you....And I hate to point out the obvious, but wars are Biblical, just as being Christian. If you don't believe me, go read about the battle in Ai. The entire population was destroyed by Gideon. God's Gideon....
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