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I'm Happy to be divorced, especially with the protection order protecting us from your manipulative way of getting back in the door.We're better off without you

I'm Happy to be divorced, especially with the protection order protecting us from your manipulative way of getting back in the door.We're better off without you

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Category: Secrets

It sounds like your spouse is not the only one manipulating. My mother once said that it takes two to marry and it takes two to separate. List 5 of the most profound things you faild to accomplish as a spouse.
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^^ typo there, I meant failed. No faild
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But is that spouse you're protected from paying child support? If so, that spouse should have some rights to see those kids - even if its only during supervised visits.
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^^^ 3up...just because "your mother" said does NOT mean others have to list one damm thing. You do all that crap that Mama dictated if you want, count me out !!
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Man's rights! My rights is bein trampled on by the matriarchy!
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Let's see, he threatened to kill us, and your saying he should have rights to our son? HA! And no he isn't paying child support. In fact, he is 3 months behind, he only paid $50 of the $254 he was suppose to pay for the month of December, because his guitarist needed a new guitar, not to mention he had gotten laid off, then when he did get a job, he said he would catch up, but that was in January, and we haven't heard from him since. His support is due on the 28th of every month. Plus he has supervised visitation, needing a lawyer to be there is part of the visitation guidelines, and he hasn't even tried to talk to dhs about it. I don't have to list a damn thing to you on how I failed, cause I took his ass back every time he left me, I supported his dream of being a rock star, worked a full time job, going to school, and raising or child, while he sat on his ass playing music and video games with his buddies. The only person I failed when I was with him, was myself.
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2 up: it is not the messenger that is important. It is the message. Of course you are not going to list your faults. You want to blame everything on your spouse. I am sure you are doing a fine job of drilling that into the heads of your kids too.
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The reason why so many kids are screwed up these days is because most woman are raising them and are the biggest influence on the children after divorce.
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My son is 2. I don't plan on telling him anything till he is old enough to understand the circumstances. I've given my ex-husband more of a chance to be a father, than I ever should have. Also, before you go throwing stones, you should probably look at the fact that you don't know what type of situation it is and was. I know the system is a bit screwy, cause some of my guy friends don't get to see their kids often and they pay their support on time and buy any extra that their kids need.
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He probably wants to kill you so the kids can grow up normal! you sound like a fat nutbag Bytch!
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He wants to kill both the child and her you twit.
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Hey, OP. You have taken the time out of your day to post how terrible your spouse has been. When are you going to come back here and tell us how you have helped fail the marriage?
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typical divorced female " Ive given him more of a chance to be a dad than he should have"....was that an immaculate conception ?...who in hell does she think she is ????
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Some of you peoples comments amaze me. Believe it or not, some children do need to be protected from a parent. Be it a mother, father or even grandparent. OP, good luck in your new life.
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^^So, that is your response for your responsibility in the failure of the marriage? I once dated(for a very short time) a woman who eventually said she had a boy in detention home. When I asked her how she contributed to the failure of her kids, she said she should have left her husband sooner. Then I saw how she constantly made excuses for the behavior of her little kid. I knew then where her younger kid was headed. I quit dating her after a few weeks. She raised the little one all alone. I discovered that one ended up in prison for theft. Now, Op, come back here and tell us what you have done wrong in the marriage to set off your ex.
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1 up. I had a very similar experience with a woman. I know that in every marriage there is responsibility from both parents for the way a kid develops. OP, care to respond, or do you want to continue to blame everything on the other parent? If you raise your kid alone, what excuse will you have when that one becomes a problem? You better stop slamming your ex to everyone you know. Especially to your kid. If your kid grows up to be a bum you are going to look stupid in the eyes of your family, his family, and every friend and associate you have involved in your life. They may not say it to your face, but I guarantee there will be plenty of chatter behind your back. As you begin to wonder why you are losing friends and associates over the years, you will know why.
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To the Original Poster: There are some good points made above. If you are not willing to respond, it may be a pretty good indication as to why your ex went off like they did. Apparently you are unable to admit when you are wrong. I am a guy. Guys do not like women who think a relationship is suppose to be one-sided. That is enough to make the best of men go off. I think you need to stand in the mirror and do some soul searching. You better go deep. Your issues are way down there. Good luck to you. If not to you, then certainly to your child. They are going to need it.
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wow i see everyone put on their judgy pants...
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Yeah, and the Op started the thread and will not even be honest about her situation
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I am being honest about my situation. I'm having to live with my parents just to get back on my feet. Lets see, according to him, I wasn't supportive enough to his dreams and wants. I had sex with him when he wanted it, yet that wasn't enough according to what he told me. He also said that he's always had these thoughts, but when I asked him to get treatment, he refused. Even though I was losing weight, and had even gotten down to my pre-baby weight, I was still fat according to him. He never wanted to help with bills, and accused me of being lazy, when I asked him for $20 extra to help pay on a bill, just because I got everything paid, and wanted to keep things paid, to keep our credit rating decent. On not to mention, he b****ed about living out of town, yet we got evicted from our apartment cause my paycheck alone didn't cover that plus my car payment, that I paid, with my OWN money. He bought dvds, video games, instruments, and whatever he wanted with his money. What he always said is that I was never there for him when he needed me. That he took more care of our son, then I did, yet he would leave our son at my parents house, and I was the one who brought him home, even though he had gotten home before me. Hell, I was even willing to help him get custody of another child he had fathered during our marriage, and help him raise the child if he wanted me to help.
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OH, and I have been entirely honest about my situation, but according to YOU, I haven't been. Then again, You must all be a bunch of men who think the system has failed them in some form or fashion that makes it right for you to judge some one who is just happy to be divorced and out of a horrible situation. Its not my fault you dated women like that. Its also not my fault her kids turned out the way they did. I admit that if my son turns out wrong, it will be my fault, cause that means I failed him. That will mean that I was a crappy parent who apparently didn't try hard enough for my child to be what you twits would consider "raised correctly."
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BTW, can you tell me where that so called instruction manual to having "A Happy Marriage", and "How to Correctly Raise Your Child According to Society's Standards" is? I would love to read it and get things right, since apparently, a woman like me, can't raise a child correctly. Since a woman like me obviously has no clue what she's doing, except leaving such a "wonderful man." Its people like you, that f*** up society. Get the f*** over yourselves. You know what, just to make you little f***ers happy, how bout I say, "oh I'm some stupid welfare sucking b**** who just wants money, money, and more money, cause the man I was with was a good man, but knew I was shit" Oh but wait, that's what pathetic pieces of shit, who have the "I'm the nice guy who finishes last," complex, or the "I'm waiting for Miss I'll do what ever you want complex, and settle for you till I find her" complex. Fuck off. Hell I can't believe I actually came back and typed all of this, when its just a waste of time, because all you jerks will ever do is blame the women who got the divorced, instead of finding out the whole situation. Just because one woman did you wrong, doesn't mean that every single woman is at fault. Grow a pair and get over it.OH, and Thank you to the one person who was actually polite towards me, instead of saying that everything was my fault apparently.
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Read your posts again, OP. See all the anger? I guarantee your husband faced your deep-seated anger in far worse levels than we have endured. He is better off without you. You failed as a wife. Face it, get over it, and move on for your own sake.
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Gosh, Op, you are angry, if those are your post right above here. Settle down.
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Well, I can see why she would get pissed. She ran into a bunch of trolls looking to get a rise out of some body, and they picked her. What a bunch of Losers.
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