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I'm a guy, attracted to males, slept with a friend but never got f***ed, nor wish. I'm engaged to a beautiful GIRL. <br/>DON'T WANNA BE GAY but can't help it.

I'm a guy, attracted to males, slept with a friend but never got f***ed, nor wish. I'm engaged to a beautiful GIRL.
DON'T WANNA BE GAY but can't help it.

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Category: secrets

You don't have to be alone. there is support group for people who don't want to be in a gay lifestyle. Through prayer and strict discipline, you can change.
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the above comment is the dumnest thing I've ever heard. The sooner that you admit that your gay,the better. Move on with your life and listen to your heart not bible thumpers!
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I agree...that first comment is very ignorant. I don't understand how people can be so stupid. Make sure you listen to your heart, or you'll never be true to yourself and happy.
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The last two comments are the dumbest things I have ever heard. "Listen to your heart'. What happens if a 25 year old school teacher listens to his heart and bones his 14 year old math student? What dumb-shit advice. There is objectivity to 'right' and 'wrong'. If there were not, then Hitler was just unpopular on the world scene, not really 'bad'. Think it through dolts.
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boning a 14 year old and boning a full grown man because your gay are very different and can't be grouped together like that. its ok to be gay. its not okay to screw up a little girl that isn't mature enough.
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Your not alone. Im in the process of ending my second marriage because, I dont wanna be gay either. Dont waste your life on something you really are not interested in. I loved my wives, but I just wasnt physically attracted to them. I prayed, read the bible, wanted to change, but was only kidding my self.
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Umm... actually I'm going to have to disagree w/ the distinction between liking to have sex w/ the same sex and being attracted to nubility. Now, if you're sleeping w/ a prepubescent girl then yeah, that's a different matter. But naturally speaking everyone's ready for sex once they pass puberty. Gay sex is a whole lot less natural than that - hence the pretty much guaranteed loss of bowel control. As to what you do - if you're telling yourself you're NOT turned on by women then you're probably lying. Just b/c you're turned on by men doesn't mean women aren't still totally hot. Even other chicks find women to be hot, perfectly straight women mind. The female form is simply more beautiful, more appealingly constructed; the male form is utilitarian. So, first, come clean to your fiancee. If you actually think you're not attracted to women at all (and it's probably a lie, it's just not perverted or "hot" enough for you at the moment because you've been there, done that) then you need to break it off or you're a piece of shit. If you're still attracted to women, see what she thinks. Mebbe she'd be willing to go for a threesome every once in a while, or maybe she's into the idea of swinging. Maybe just like every other person who gets married you'll have to *gasp* make a choice and settle for one partner. Marriage means a loss of variety no matter whether that variety was women or women and men. But, you need to be honest and work things out how it's best for both of you. Y'never know, if you're still interested in HER it might be a turn on for your lady. Anyway, I'm not going to condemn you. Quite frankly I think that pure built in homosexuality is bs. At the most ppl can say that they are bi because they simply need more variety. When you switch sexes - and completely deny the one which you were attracted to in the first place - that's just as close minded as condemning people for deciding to play both sides.
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Being gay is not just about the act of sex. What's wrong with you people? Because I'm straight doesn't make me a sexual prediter that chases little girls.Grow up.
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if you are gay, you are gay. accept it. God loves you no matter what. being gay is not a "choice". dont listen to these stupid so called "religious" idiots. just because they go to church they think they can do whatever they want and be forgiven. God hates haters. It does not matter who you love it is THAT you love. Accept yourself and love yourself.
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I was abused in my childhood by few motherf***ers. I wasn't "BORN" gay. It were those moments which changed my life completely and I started admiring males. I admire their body, the style, the physique. I slept with a single guy and that too felt really guilty. I never wanna touch another guy again in my life. I love my fiance and I'M attracted to girls. So I will be working really hard to stick to one sex and that is being straight just like OBAMA said, "YES WE CAN" P.S I'm the author of this post.
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You are such an a****** for trying to hide this fact by planning on marrying straight. And the big loser here is your fiance... whose life you're going to upset horribly.
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I love how everyone tells him to disregard, the first comment, then tells him to follow his heart. He is the one that says he doesn't want to be gay, not every person that has such inclinations wants to be gay, if at the end of the day he feels the best thing for him to do is suppress those feelings then its his choice. Ignore every body here, just do you. My two cents though, you obviously want to share what you are going through with someone else, if not you wouldn't have posted here, find someone discrete you can trust not to judge you, and unburden yourself. Then figure out what works best for you. Good Luck.
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Really people who want's to be gay. With the way you are treated if you are, because of peoples ignorance. Being gay is not a choice for most they are born gay, I do not have a single gay friend who cose to be gay and all of them tried to be what they weren't because of society and were miserable. So sweetheart you need to be who you are and tell your fiance now instead of later it will hurt less now than if she found out after you're married.
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Loss of bowel control is NOT caused by gay sex, it is because of some medical condition. I cannot believe some moron would think that. If you are gay you are gay, so what! All you need is to find someone who understands you and loves you for who you are. I have more than a couple of male friends who are happily married to women who understand their attraction to men and let their husbands "play around"; as long as it is the wife they come home to the husbands can go be with whoever they want. All you and your girlfriend need is to be open, honest, and set a few ground rules. Trust me it will work.
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Was married for 18 years. I had an amazing wife. Fact is I was gay every single day. I tried to be straight, bible and all. In the end I was gay. I am happier now that I am me and not trying to change my core. One can not tell another what to think or how to act. Listen to your heart, not society, like I did.
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This is not fair to either you or your fiancee. Set her free and embrace who you are. Otherwise you and the woman whom you love (or presumably hold deep affection for) will both have ruined lives.
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if you're gay, be gay. don't ruin your and your fiance's life because you're living a lie. Find a psychologist or a trusted friend to help you through it.
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by not calling off the engagement you are being very selfish.
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me too
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YOu will reqret your decission if you ever marry, Come out right now and start enjoying your life
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dont be ashamed!! god made you who you are!!!!
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I think gay guys are hoooooooot, and I'm a female. I love their style, physique, creativity, intelligence, and kindness. I wish I have a gay friend right now.
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Whatever you do, DON'T ruin some woman's life out of some misguided attempt to convince yourself and/or others that you're straight. Be gay if you want or be chaste if you want, but don't get married to a woman.
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God never made anyone "GAY", what an Idiot, tell yourself anything to rationalize being a sick piece of shit, forget all the "I was abused as a child, bullshit,...... you idiots that buy into this shit are the problem with society today. A 40 cent bullet will cure all of you...
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WOW!! What is wrong with this world?
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Just admit that you are closet homosexual. You really want some big harry guy named bubba to f*** you up the ass!
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Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
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For heaven's sake, if you know you're gay, end you engagement! Tell your fiance you're "not ready" or something like that. Why go through with this senseless sham? You fiance does not deserve to be deceived because of your sexuality issues! The is life after realizing your gay, and you'll find it one way or another.
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