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I want to see the unions shut down but alot of my friends are part of the union.

I want to see the unions shut down but alot of my friends are part of the union.

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Of course you want to see the unions shut down. I mean, you have been listening to the media so much, they have convinced you that is the problem in America. Wait until they are gone-and they will be-then you will be back here blaming American troubles on some other entity other than the corporate culprits.
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When they're gone, maybe we can slow down inflation and get us back to a single wage earner household. Did you ever stop to ask some simmple questions, for example: What do they do with my money? Does the Union President's secretary REALLY make twice as much money as I do? If she makes that much, he must be making a million dollars a year...Those are for starters. Second, after getting equal rights settled (which was introduced by those evil Republicans, by the way, also ending slavery, but who's keeping score) what exactly has the union done for you? What they have done is drive up the price of EVERY domestic thing we buy to the point that we simply cannot afford it so all of our jobs are shipped to countries that aren't union "organized" and can hire more workers. Oh, now they've had a hand in causing more unemployment, but they are so good for the WAKE THE HELL UP stupid! You pay them to do exactly what for you? While you're asking these questions, see if you can find out what they did with Jimmy Hoffa. They're such a good and gentle bunch of people....UNIONS MUST GO! No one owes you anything, so keep paying these union thugs to do your "dirty work" and your job will be the next one shipped overseas. Good luck collecting foodstamps and unemployment when the next shut down happens. Stupid as.
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^ yep what we need is a return to the good ole "company town" where you rent your house from the company, get your food there, get your medical care from there, have incredibly dangerous jobs that you have to do to feed your children, because if you say ANYTHING they take your job, kick you out of your house or have you beaten by security forces. You can trust big business. After, it wasn't corrupt banks that destroyed the economy betting on hedge funds and toxic assets, it was TEARCHERS AND FIREFIGHTERS. After all, the CEO of Goldman Sacs only made over 20 million last year, you know, AFTER tax payers bailed their asses out. Isn't that exactly what each teacher made? I can see why you think you can trust big business. When will you Idiots give up the dream of being wealthy and learn that your bank, your insurance company and wall street think you are all morons. They take your money, make risky investments that when they work the CEO gets paid, and when the investment fails the bank gets a hand out. Jesus when will you people learn?
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1 up: Excellent job explaining yourself. I will add that Union bosses cost the economy nothing. Their wages come from union dues. Whatever money collected is used to further the union cause, such as organizing more workplaces, job training, health and safety training, and supporting politicians who sympatize with unionism. The individual 2 up thinks that if unions are gone the households will return to one wage earner. We had low inflation under Clinton and Reagan and a balanced budget under Clinton. And we still have high prices. The Equal Rights Amendment was enacted by Democrats, so was Social Security because older Americans were starving in the 1930s. So, since the Republicans freed the slaves, why do you think blacks no longer want anything to do with them? Pray tell. Then I will explain the truth
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The last two posts explains exactly what's wrong in this world. No, don't discredit what was said, simply turn a corner and let everyone think someone else did it worse. Don't say yeah, maybe the unions way over stepped their boundaries, say corporations are corrupt. Did you realize you did that or are you such sheep that it's automatic and you don't realize it? And check the ERA once again. You may be surprised who introduced it and who took credit for it. Same ones who took credit for freeing slaves. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, but how many blacks are democrats saying so was King? You are all sheep. You proved it once again....And the rest of us pay the bill. Before I forget, who bailed out the banks with our money? Oh yeah, that was Barney Frank - democrat.
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The bank bail out was started under the BUSH administration and was caused by huge investment banks cheating each other and lying. The ending of Sarbanes-Oxley was what started the problem. Once they destroyed the wall between banks and investment groups corruption and gambling with investors money and insider trading became the norm. The entire process is designed to create fees that the lobby for banks wanted. Check to see where banks give the most money to. They have bought the republicans. The ONLY SOLUTION is institute effective and extensive on allowing lobby groups from funding campaigns. The recent Supreme Court decision granting corporations the legal status of a human for the purposes of free speech is incredibly destructive. If corporations want the legal benefits of being considered a person, then they should be charged with homicide when they kill people. Corporations get the benefit of activities and pass the risk onto the tax payers.
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If the tea party wants smaller government, have them fight to take corporations out of the mix. Multi national corporations do care where they get money, they just care that they don't get caught. They want to be able to bring multi billions of dollars they illegally hid off shore, but to do it, they want to pay 5% tax on it. Do you really want to give them another 30% break for committing a crime? It isn't remotely relevant that two Kansas suffragists started the ERA decades ago, what is relevant is how hard they fight to limit individual rights and give everything to companies. Stop being Rush Limbaugh's b****. The man is a drug addicted clown who avoided jail only because he is rich and powerful. You need to start viewing the world from a larger perspective rather than some Joe the Plumber fantasy.
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You are an ignorant fool.
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To both of you. Or the same one, whichever the case may be. Google Barney Frank when he claims that Fannie and Freddie are not in trouble under Bush. Listen with your own ears his own lying mouth saying they were solid and did not need an oversight. Start there. Next, 5 or 6 years ago, were you the ones standing up with your picket signs saying mortgage lending is unfair? Well if it was you, then look in the mirror because you are ALSO part of the problem. Do you pay your own way or are you a welfare parasite, because you sound like one. Next, if you do actually work for a living, do you work for a poor person? I gotta admit, I've never gotten a job from someone who doesn't have drive, ambition, and willing to take a chance that most aren't willing to take. They deserve their own damn money! They put their own blood, sweat and tears into it to make it successful and you're
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part 2 a leach who thinks they need to hand it over to you. I call bullshit. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING! So you oppose free speech? Wow. Aren't you exorcising free speech with your rhetoric, or do you just oppose free speech that differs from your master? As for smaller government and taking corporations out of the mix, I believe you have that wholly backwards. GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF BUSINESS! They don't belong there and they have no business calling any shots. Clinton tried to dismantle MicroSoft. What did the government have to do with a man who made hundreds of his employees millionairs? That's totally ridiculous thinking there. If the democrats didn't want to tax everything that moves or doesn't move, no one would be trying to hide their assets. I would like to have a few minutes with your tax returns. I would be willing to bet you're hiding something or fudging on things. It will come back to bite you some day. As for Limbaugh, I don't know what you mean. Again, you refuse to address
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part 3 the problem - what unions have done to destroy the country's economy - and instead point fingers away from the issue. Clinton used to do that. Is that where you learned the trick? It didn't work for him either because he eventually had to answer the hard questions. So will you someday....So basically you still have not addressed the initial questions of what has the union done for this country, I get the same boring rhetoric that all the dems collectively program into all their sheep. If you want to be a slave to government, be my guest. I happen to choose freedom, and that includes freedom of speech whether you like what I have to say or not. I know all of this is a little over your head because if there are two of you, you both still refuse to address the issue on the table and instead pull a Clinton. Again it didn't work for him, it won't work for you. Don't answer if you don't want to, but spare us the vomit.
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Here's what unions have done in America: Fought for child labor laws, 40 hour work week(before the law the boss could work you as much as you were needed or you lose your job), health benefits, Pay at time and a half after 40 hours, minimum wages, health and safety in the workplace. Should I go on? Vacation rights,more break time, fighting companies such as Walmart who pay so little the employees are not making a living wage because they are non-union
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1 up, Yeah, and Walmart is the biggest private employer in the country. Now they are facing a gigantic class-action lawsuit due to discriminating against the lack of promotions for women. If there was a union lack of promotions would never have happened.
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Go ahead Mr. Free Market, play your fiddle while Rome burns. Greed is greed is greed and the more one has the more they can take and will take. As to freedom of speech, yes HUMANS should have it, not corporations. The existence of the "human" standard of a corporation being a living entity was a full fiction created for the ease of the courts to manage litigation. A sufficient study of constitutional law will show that Justice Robert's decision was a complete reversal of the prior law of more than 80 years. Republican complain about activist courts when the largest violation of stare decisis in generations. No wonder his "conservative" court made the largest change in law to the benefit of corporations. After all, shouldn't companies make all the rules and decisions for the stupid sheep that work for them? How did that work out with oh, say, AIG, Leahman Brothers, BP, World Com, Enron, Duke Energy, Qwest, Nortel, Ford (remember the pinto), Target (kids christmas pajamas that target knew would catch fire), HP spying on it's own officers, Adelphia, and of course Hailburton very excessively overcharging the military for services under Dick Cheney ( a man who can shoot another man in the face and not get into a seconds worth of trouble). Who is corrupt? Yes, let us all trust big business.
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1 up: Thanks, bro. You have done very well explaining yourself.
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Wow. Have any of you ever tried to read the fair labor standards act? That's not a "union" document, that's government. Darn it. Foiled again. Your little rant about what the unions have done is STILL nothing. And will always be nothing. Sorry, you lose all over again. Try reading something besides the union handouts for a change. You might just find out that they're not everything they're cracked up to be and while these fat cats (ut oh, dare I say CAPITALIST?) sit and collect your money to pretend to do something that the fair labor standards act doesn't already do, YOU are the fool who has been parted from his money. Again, I'm free and choose to live free. I don't need someone regulating me. I will say once upon a time, the unions had a time and a place and they did a service. Now they're a nuisance and have created inflation (due to greed, I might add) and they have WAY overstepped their bounds. Unforgivably, they take credit for something a group of lawmakers did...Fail again....keep pointing fingers and ignoring the facts, keep paying your union dues, and we'll see who has the most money in the end. If you think union organizations aren't capitalists, ask them what they need your money for when you're on your knees kissing their rings....
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There is nothing more American than two entities bargaining to forge a contract for mutual aggreement and success. Unions and business are as American as it comes.
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@ up fool. You really think you are free? The republicans want to control your reproductive rights and options. They want to eliminate any form of abortion. Now I don't express an opinion on abortion, but how can the republicans regulate medical treatment and not be regulating you. Repubs want to deny gay couples from being married, they worked hard to keep it illegal for interracial marriage. They love laws that put marijuana users in prison. Your poster boy George Bush was a serious coke abuser, never went to jail for it, but passed the most repressive anti-drug legislation in Texas. This is the problem with the hypocrisy of the Republicans. Larry Craig sucks dick in an airport while railing against gays. Rush Limbaugh rails on drug users while he had 2500 oxy pills. He should have been sentenced and fined millions like others with the same amount but he is a powerful republican mouth piece. He can do without retribution. Republicans want free business and repressed individuals unless it relates to them.
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Once again, you childishly resort to name calling and bringing up people and presumed events that have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion - unions in case you forgot. So since I'm having this discussion with someone unarmed and unprepared that makes me winner. Now if you want to discuss unions without acting like a child and without injecting nonsense, then let's discuss unions. When you can't argue with facts and want to resort to this childishness, then you're on your own. I don't waste my time on the stone deaf. You're beyond hope. And just to clear up another little misspeak on your part. Who exactly wants to regulate healthcare? Last time I looked it was called OBAMAcare.
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It is the Republicans seeking to shut down the govt over abortion funding. Jesus, even idiots should be able to turn on a television. Switch off fox news for 5 mins and look at everyone else. The repub have the cost cutting they want except for 300 million on planned parenthood. THAT is less than 1 tenth a percent of the total budget. Obama care doesn't do this. The republicans are. As to unions, I believe a person above clarified the benefits, but you just want to piss at me. That makes you the same kind of winner as Charlie Sheen. An insane deluded winner.
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See, there you go again! You STILL can't fight facts. You have absolutely nothing to say so you slide off the trail into something you know nothing about. I just did a little quick math. Let's assume there are only 4 million people in a union and the average salary is $60,000 per year. Now let's assume the contribution to belong to the union is 1.5% of their salary. (We'll just skip the "payroll deduction fees" they charge for the sake of argument). What does ANY organization need with 3 trillion, six hundred million dollars and exactly how does that help YOU? Now that you know that more than 3 and 1/2 trillion dollars is poured into this capitalistic business, don't you feel special defending them? A fool and his money soon part. I'm keeping mine and feel sorry for you for thinking you need to give someone else money to do...what? To keep doing what has already been accomplished by the fair labor standards act? You can make your childish assumptions about what you think you know about me all day long, but here's a fact you may not have considered.
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part 2 I was around during the Teamster's strike in the late 70's. No amount of money or words can convince me that a union is a good thing when they operate solely on violence, intimidation and sabotage. And while you're throwing unreasonable demands at your employer, don't forget who put the food on your table. Greed keeps unions alive because you always think you need more and more and more and more. Most people can't afford an American made car now because of unions! Now we can't afford a loaf of bread, because of unions. Keep paying them. I know they love getting your "hard earned" money.
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Americans can't afford American cars because of Unions? Do some comparison shopping of the Jamanese models and the Amrican models. There is not a big difference. Also, 10% of the cost of a car is wages. All wages, including management. I know. I work in the industry. Few union people make $60,000. Certainly not on 40 hours. Whatever a wage is per hour, the standard in unions is to pay one and in some unions two hours pay per month. Stay within what you think you know about, lest you present your foolishness.
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Ok clearly you love to make assumptions without even a cursory review of the facts of which you assume. You are simply too stupid to learn. What I hope for you then is you get what you want and suffer with everyone. Lucky for you we don't have a "too stupid to vote" law. Done with you and your repetitive perspective. Face all of the issues and you will see, until then you are just another Fox news sheep waiting for someone to lube up and screw you in your foolish sheep ass.
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In Fremont CA the liquor stores and strip clubs depended on the Auto Unions for business.
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^^ yeah. So what is wrong with a beer and a lap dance? What is your point? Something else about the Japanese and American auto wages. Toyota pays like 2 bucks less than hourly workers in American auto factories. They do that because of the union "competition" of keeping them out of their plants and unorganized. If the auto unions ever went away the competition would be gone and the Japanese would begin reducing wages. Someone earlier made a very good point that all the textile mills in their region are gone overseas, and not one of them were unionized. It was ecause of competition of miniscule wages in communist countries such as China and Vietnam. My case is closed. You may want to turn on the television. Glenn Beck is back on.
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I don't know that Beck has the answers, but I'm so glad the ignorant "union dues paying slug" is "done with me" cuz the assumptions comments that are being made keep coming off their keyboard, but no one else can make assumptions according to them. JUST LIKE A FOOL! And you're right, it is a good thing there aren't any too stupid to vote laws. Of course, if there were, we wouldn't have gotten a communist. Yes I did say it. He is a communist, communism has FAILED in every country who has ever tried to enforce it and it's a horrible way to live. Oh, wait, I'm using facts again...maybe you could crack open a world history book and look up communism and see how it has failed all by yourself. You can read, right? Try it. You might learn something.
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1 up. I am so glad you returned and finally showed your ignorance like never before. Obama is not a Communist. If he were he would have never been elected. Presidents who are elected are greased and polished by huge money people who pull strings in this country. Do you really think they would allow a communist to come in and disrupt the system they they have spent billion and billions building? You need to take a civics class. While you're at it you should take a few political science class. You lack substance
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Provide the proof that Obama is a communist or SHUT THE FUCK UP! I am SO tired of stupid conservatives saying bullshit and not getting taken to task. SO prove it or stick your head back up your ass and shut up. By the standards you are using President Regan was a communist. He raised taxes didn't he? You tea baggers and hard right wing crazy bastards are destroying the country and you are too stupid to even recognize that you are pawns for big business. Think about the movie "It's a wonderful life" Who was the good guy? Who was the bad? I would say you are a dick but that would give dick's a bad name.
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Businesses do control everything. check out i n f o w a r s . c o m
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Do you even know what communism is? Let's start with that. When you have successfully looked up and read what communism is, compare that to what Odumbass is doing and has promised to do, and then make your argument. Until YOU try to substantiate your rhetoric, you are proving your ignorance. Personally, I don't need government in every area of my life. They're already too invasive and Odumbass only wants more. And he wants to give your union earned money to people who don't work. Where's the justice in that? Where's your outrage? See, educate yourself and see if you can't figure this out on your own. If you turn of MSNBC and open a history book, you may be surprised. Read, if you can.
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So lets see....Obama is the one who wants to control women's reproductive rights, to tell them that the MUST have a baby EVEN when it endangers their life. Is Obama the one who wants to outlaw oral sex in republican states? Republicans want to guarantee the powers of companies and strip the rights of individuals. Every time any republican supports so "individual right" it is a right that gives business another market.
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Someone listens to MSNBC way too much. Since you don't know what communism is, let me tell you. And, of course, this will only outrage people who own property and pay their own way in life, so this may or may not bother you. I happen to pay my own way, own my own home and have excellent credit so I'm very bothered by it. Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for classless and stateless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption and the end of wage labour and private property in the means of production and real estate. Columbia Encyclopedia.
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There. Now that you've had a mini education on what communism is, let me tell you how Odumbass is a communist. He wants to take my hard earned money and give it to the non working class. He wants me to not go to the doctor so the crack ho with baby number 8 on the way can go have an abortion and have her STD treated. He wants to take my house that I've paid on for the last 20 years and let me "live in it" for a small payment each month, about the equivalent of rent in a shoddy apartment. And what bothers me the most is WHY THE HELL DOES OBAMACARE HAVE PROVISIONS FOR DOMESTIC MILITARY??? Now if that doesn't keep your ass awake at night, you're not paying attention! Back to communism....Do you consider yourself a hard working productive member of society? If you do, then according to Odumbass's dreams for America, you are no different than the person who has lived on welfare all their lives and raised the next generation of welfare leaches. You seem hell bent on defending the unions so I am assuming you have a job and a union backed job typically pays a little better than what one might find at MacDonald's, so according to Odumbass, you're a wealthy person and need to give up your wealth! Continued....
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Don't you love it that you make over $250k a year? don't? Well, I thought your commie prez would not put one dime of additional taxes on anyone making less than $250k a year. We must be making that much because I'm paying more taxes at the gas pumps (2 tax hikes since he took office) and people who smoke are paying a new tax on cigarettes. I could sit here all day and tell you the new taxes, but hopefully you get the point. Now here's the REALLY good news for you. Seems you have an aversion to people calling the destroyer in chief a communist. How would you feel if you found out that the "organized labor unions" are one with the communistic reformists that are demonstrating in Chicago today? Would that muddy the waters for you a bit? You don't like communism yet you support a union who supports communism...hmmmm Leaves one scratching their head huh...Once again, I'm going to ask the ridiculous of you. Do some research. Check on it yourself. Instead, I'm sure you're going to sit at your computer and throw stupid accusations at me that I listen to what's his name and call me names like a big child, but hopefully somewhere along your insignificant life you WILL look into the truths I've laid out here today and know that you've been fooled...
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I almost forgot one important point. The communistic pattern Odumbass has for this country is exactly the same one France has implemented. I'm sure even MSNBC has aired the civil unrest there in recent months. They are trying to take away some of their entitlements and all hell breaks loose. Yeah, that's what we need here! Oh, once again, here are some facts for you and it might be a little overwhelming to you. But give it time to soak in and you may learn a little.
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I spent 3 years working for a group of consultants that provided litigation support for union grievances. These consultants worked for the pro business side. I know more about unions and the inside than you can pick up from Fox news. The bottom line spoken only in the back room was that the companies was "make money" "screw workers who spoke up" and push the law at every opportunity to "not get caught" Irony was, the head consultant would order all the most recent legal document software, have his computer geek crack it and send it back after "review" He stole over ten thousand dollars of product and never felt guilty. THAT is business, break the laws, screw the workers, cheat and keep the cash. Corruption knows no politics, it is just conservatives feel they can lie, steal and cheat because God smiles on themGod is going to enjoy watching them burn in hell. Enjoy the heat.
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So do yourself a favor and quit working. There's always "welfare". Stop b****ing about what you think you know and what you pretend to know and stop frigging working. If corporations are so bad, then stay home. I know hundreds of people who would love to have your job.
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