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Happy Obama's dead ~ and fully support our military ~ but I don't feel the elation I  expected to feel.

Happy Obama's dead ~ and fully support our military ~ but I don't feel the elation I expected to feel.

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Category: Secrets

I think you mean OSSSSama
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somebody made a Freudian slip there, didn't they? Poor OP.
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I hope Osama's 72 virgins are all hairy white men with big penises!
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1^, you must really be an oBama lover, eh? hehehehe. OP here, it was too late last night when I was thinking about this and I kept calling Osama "Obama" (no offense to the prez, even if I don't like him). Glad oSama is dead, but I don't think it's worth celebrating. Not gonna go shoot off any guns in the air or anything like that.
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It's great that the leader of Al-Qaeda is dead and everything but that mean we should stoop to their level and celebrate death. Instead we should gracefully accept it and not dignify another moment of it. We've wasted far too much time living in the past (decade). Lets move onto something better than war.
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that doesn't mean***
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2 up. Yes, let's move on to other topics like $5.00 gas and the fact that our dollar will be worthless as soon a s Japan and China finish selling the rest of their U.S. dollars and bonds
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god bless america.
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God is not blessing America. Our country is dying financially
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I can't recant and if I did I don't think I would.....
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he was only one man. he has millions of others just like him and they are still alive, get real.
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He murdered almost 3000 innocent people! Not soldiers, but business people at work. Now he's dead! Damn right I'm going to celebrate!! Should have bathed him in pig blood and let a camel fUck him in the ass, shIt on him, spit on him, pissed on him and set him on fire. What do you mean dignity? Are you a muslim muhammed f***iNg faggot?? He's in hell being ass raped by 10,000 demons like he deserves. Just like you!!!!!
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1 up How many innocent people have the U.S. military killed in other countries? I am not slamming the U.S. miltary. I am slamming your weak argument. Do you really want the U.S. government to be so vendictive that they pour pig blood on the guy? When I government can conduct themselves in such a way their conduct is one step away from treating the citizens the same way
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^1up. Democrap
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2up. You're comparing the US military to osama bin laden???? 911 was not a military action dipshit!! It was a terrorist attack with hijacked planes in peacetime for the intended purpose of killing as many innocent civilians as possible! They crashed planes into the world trade center bldgs- which are business offices you moron, the pentagon and one headed to the whitehouse. He's respnsible for attacking the USS Cole, embassies around the world and countless other terrorists actions. How in the hell can you compare that to our military?? Sounds like you hate this country as bad as bin laden did.
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^ Osama was a retail terrorist. He couldn't hold a candle to the might of the mightiest wholesale terrorist in the world. We kill more people accidentally in a month than Osama did his whole life. And BTW, 911 was NOT military action, though it may have been CIA/Mossad. Also Osama did not die at the hands of Navy Seals, though he may be dead from natural causes. You people are sooo freakin gullible.
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