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You wonder why he never sees your daughter? I wouldn't want to be around her if I had to deal with you. You're the reason he left and why you can't keep a man.

You wonder why he never sees your daughter? I wouldn't want to be around her if I had to deal with you. You're the reason he left and why you can't keep a man.

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Category: Secrets

not to mention that you have judgemental friends
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Wow. So you are his new woman? And you aprove of him not seeing his own daughter because you have resentments against his daughters mother? Geez, that poor girl whoever she is.. sounds like all the adults in her life are messed up - including you.
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OP- No I'm not the other woman. I have my own husband, thank you. Just an observer from both sides of the story. She's a b****. End of story.
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His daughter's mother is a b**** and that's reason for him to not see his daughter? How convenient for a deadbeat dad. His daughter won't care about the reason, she will care that he doesn't see her, and when she is all grown up and wants nothing to do with him it will be his own selfish fault.
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Let's face it. In the very end of the day of this issue, kids don't give a shit about their parents. I mean, come on. Look at American families. They are so selfish and individualistic, keeping in contact is more an obligation then anything else. Yeah. Yeah. There are exceptions, like everything else in life. But overall American self-centered consumerism has effected the family unit just the same.
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1 up Damn, you sure got that right. Americans do not give a shit about each other unless there is something in it for themselves.
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Sorry it's so bad. But I have to wonder, if she was tolerable enough to f***, why is she now intolerable to the point of him abandoning his daughter? This is a prime example of people who have no business breeding.
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4 up- I have to agree. He's using that excuse to cover his own laziness and lack of caring. My guess is that he's nothing more than a user and now has no intention of providing anything more than a boat-load of excuses for that child.
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