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I think all GREAT artists are mentally deranged. I find comfort in that.

I think all GREAT artists are mentally deranged. I find comfort in that.

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Category: Secrets

We just use other parts of the brain that ordinary people don't use making us appear to be different or eccentric. Mind power, Swede, mind power...see what I mean?
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One up agreed, but I can't be eccentric don't have enough money. Good post by the way.
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It is because all artists use drugs
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I think that anyone finding great comfort in someone else being deranged (in their opinion) needs a lobotomy FAST !!!
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I kind of like this secret.
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It's not even mental illness - it is just being able to think outside the constant control and conformity. It's labeled illness to ostracize those who think differently. This is why the drug industry is drugging so many with psychotropic drugs these days. It's dulling everyone down. Psychiatry is a psuedo science and NO I am no friggin scientologist.
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^^^yeah, cause lobotomies have such a proven success rate...wait a minute...
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Hey "psuedo" science poster...Why don't you shut the f*** up until you suffer from bi-polar or something like schizophrenia, and don't even come back and say "oh I am", or "oh I know someone" or some bullshit like that. You have no f***ing clue about Psychiatric Illnesses or Medicine because anyone who does is way too informed to vomit out your statement. Dumbass. Thinking outside the box, and being creative or being a "tortured artist" has nothing to do with Mental Illness.
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1 up ^ Schizophrenia is real. Bi polar disorder is nothing but a lack of maturity.
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Oh really, and I suppose that you believe that from your own personal experience? What's that? NO? oh OK then SHUT THE FUCK UP. Do not speak of what you do not understand.
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2 up ^ i totally agree. i cant stand bi-polar people most of them are also selfish. they need to get over themselves and join the adult world.
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1 and 2 up. 2 up first: My position does not come from BELIEVING what I do about bipolar disorder. It is what I KNOW from my own personal experience. I watched my exwife coddle her son, claiming he was bipolar. He was a adult man with a teenager's maturity. Including dating girls young enough to have him sent to jail. Her other son had a kid by a girl who had it too. Mysteriously, after she became a mom her bipolar disorder dissappeared. 1 Up: Thanks for reminding me that bi-polar people are also narcissic too. While we are here I will say that I also wholehardly believe that ADHD is caused by parents failing to teach their child organizational skills and other aspects of child rearing. Drug companies saw an awesome opportunity to make money and invented Ridalin. Today, twice as many American kids are prescribed drugs for ADHA than in Britain.
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3 ^^ Ohhh. Yikes! You better read the post one up from here. I think maybe you need to be the one to STFU.
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6^ I HAVE been there and have several "diagnoses". The only one I accept is dissociative identity disorder but I don't consider it a disorder as I have this because I was abused and it was a coping mechanism that helped me to survive. I've been on meds and they do nothing but dull you down and make it easier for you to conform to what society thinks you should be and how you should think. I am sorry if you have not found any ways to get off meds and believe that psychiatry is your only salvation but like religion it is all based on lies. There are no biological tests that prove mental illness even exists. The drugs are all put out with no knowledge of long term side effects or even if they will help. So you have bought into a lie that you were sick and needed meds that will destroy your body. You should realize you are not sick and find a better way to live.
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Hey 1 up. I am 3
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To all posters who think they have any clue because their Grandma's uncle's son has Bipolar Disorder, and so they know everything there is to know about it, and the ones who aren't prescribed the right medicine so they DON'T GET IT... because they think all meds turn them into some type of zombie..I will say it AGAIN..SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Ignorance is bliss huh? I wouldn't know...Have a nice day.
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Long poster- I don't know if you are the one who tells me of his ex's son or whatever..BUT I read your post, and I believe you are not ignorant.I feel for you, and I understand what you are saying. I cannot speak for everyone who has been diagnosed with bipolar dis. but I can speak for myself. My condition required medication, I tried different med combos for 2 years..I finally found the right combo for me, and now for the first time in my life I can function, experience joy, happiness, and most of all, PEACE. The disorder is very complicated and different for everyone. I consider myself fortunate for finding out what works for me. My beef is with people who think that mental illness is not real. Your beef sounds like you HATE the meds, and the pharm. companies who manufacture them. Guess what? I HATE all of the meds I tried before I found ones that work. You have chosen to self medicate, and it sounds like that might work for you. It will not work for I use what works. I wish you the best life you can have no matter how you choose to live it. Simple as that ;)
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^ I am the DID poster and I don't self medicate. No alcohol, no recreational drugs. It's not just that I hate pharmeceutical corporations but the field of psychiatry is a psuedo science and again I am not a scientologist. These diagnoses are made with no biological tests and done by symptoms ALONE. And It's true that ppl are dxed and put on these drugs after a trauma. The core issues are never dealt with in this way and that is how psychiatry likes it. Bipolar is not a disease. We all have intense extreme emotions at times. There are times when we absolutely should be extremely manic and other times extrememly depressed (like when we realize the abuses in this world). All psychiatry and the drugs do is collectively keep us all from dealing with life. The peace you have is artificial, but you could have real peace if you accepted yourself and dealt with life and faced and fixed the things in the world that need to be fixed. Starting with prejudice and discrimination of those of us who think differently from conformist pushes from society. As long as you promote using these meds, you participate in a genocide of ppl who think differently. So your wishes of us having the best life are really false. Simple as that.
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Re: Bipolar. The reason this way of thinking and experiencing the world is called a mental illness is because ppl who experience these extremes are not as easy to control and keep productive in our dumbed down dulled down consumerist way of life. Manic ppl often have revolutionary, genius thoughts that change the status quo and ppl who like to control others don't want that. Ppl who experience extreme depression, if they can get underneath the sadness find their is real justifiable anger there for something, some sort of injustice and if they can allow themselves to experience angry are often motivated to change it. That is also a problem for the status quoers. This is why you get labeled bipolar and meds - to even you out and make you more like the rest of the sheep and lemmings easily controlled. Thing is if you learned how to accept your extreme emoting tendencies and harness them into something you were passionate about you could change the world. But I guess the psuedo peace is more appealing? It's easy to be like everyone else. It takes extreme courage to be who you are and in turn it generates self empowerment.
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I've opened the doors of perception and can't get them shut now I feel f***ed for free everyday!
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I resemble that..... marginal read at best..... killed 2 minutes of eternity .... thanks for that..
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lol stupid asses up there^... haha I'm Bi-polar and my father is schizo and I'm a damn great artist :))
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