Places for help:
If you cant go on:
Just when I start to trust you again you f!%# it up again! What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with me?

Just when I start to trust you again you f!%# it up again! What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with me?

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Category: Secrets

Your last sentence saiys it all.
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You keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. The definition of insanity.
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what the hell is wrong with saying what the heck, you profane b****
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It does not matter what is wrong with them. You should be concerned with what is wrong with you. It has happened a second time. When are you going to get out?
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It's prolly happened many times. He isn't ready to change. You may never be able to trust him. Better to find someone else.
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Hanging on for dear life? Does it make you happy?
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I've been in a similar situation by holding on to someone that was not at all worth it. I asked myself the same question, for YEARS. I can tell you from experience that you will wake up one day, and realize what you deserve, and what you don't deserve. You will also understand fully what you want, and don't want. When you reach that point, you will walk away and never look back. You will also draw men to you who will treat you with the love and the respect you deserve, stemming from your newfound confidence. Fuck these people who are talking shit, sometimes we fall hard for people who are just not worth it. Live, learn, and move on a wiser being. This is life.
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since when is the word hell profane, moron?
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^ Just answer the question!
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I have a personal policy that I permit myself to make the same mistake twice. After that I do anything within my means to change the circumstances if at all possible.
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^ I am the same way. I trusted he f***ed it up I trusted and he f***ed it up AGAIN, so this is finally it and he knows it, he knows that if he f***s it up in anyway I am far so good it's been years now, and his efforts have been awesome. He does love me and yes people can change...they just have to want to.
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People can change, but wanting to change is often not enough. Saying you want to change and actually wanting to change are two different things.
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