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My parents keep it a secret from me, and now I keep it a secret from the world so I'm not looked upon as being abnormal. I'm autistic.

My parents keep it a secret from me, and now I keep it a secret from the world so I'm not looked upon as being abnormal. I'm autistic.

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Category: Secrets

You are not abnormal. You are what you are. I guarantee you're good at something. Enjoy life!
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I agree, you are not abnormal at all! Enjoy being who you are. :)
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There are millions of people with Autisim not to mention the many more that never get diagnosed! Don't feel like there's something wrong with YOU. There's something wrong with people who hide their issues from the world. THe whole world has problems of some kind of another. If you can create this post you're not lost in your own world. You're doing pretty good so YEA for you!!! Ignore rude and stupid people! You're doing good!
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Just because you chalk pics on the sidewalk doesn't make you artistic. What? Autistic? Oh, that's different.
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Most people these days are on the autism spectrum, so don't feel that you are alone. To be diagnosed with autism requires that it be disabling in some way. Additionally, a lot of people are misdiagnosed. If you can hold a job and 'conceal' your autism, then it is most likely you are not autistic. The fact that you can find this site and post on it shows you have a certain degree of social awareness, which autistic people constantly struggle with. Autism is usually considered a disability. I have autistic cousins and have been under constant scrutiny my entire life on whether I am or not autistic. After extensive research on my own, I have found that I am not autistic. In fact, I score above normal in any sort of diagnostic test for the condition and I score lower than normal on the autism spectrum. My only conclusion is that I'm somewhat eccentric, which is normal for people of high intelligence. Case in point, don't let others self-diagnose who you are; you can only determine that for yourself. Co-dependency can cause people to do and say things regarding subjects that they don't necessarily understand.
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There is no such thing as "normal"
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mom said I was said, "listen stupid"...he always called me listen.....sigh
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Cannot hide autism....who are you trying to kid with this crap?
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If you do hide the diagnosis, people are just going to think you're weird for another reason.
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Don't worry, Rainman. You will be fine.
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Doi dee Doi Doi
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Retard much?
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Same here.
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You're not autistic, you're a moron.
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You're autistic. I'm schizophrenic. He's just an idiot. Who can be excused?
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that is a shame that vaccines are bought into readily... so much of this could be avoided
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