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Obama is a hero ;)

Obama is a hero ;)

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He's getting my vote. So will the rest of the democrats because republicans are f***ing a s s h o l e s.
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Maybe he is a superhero. Secret identity
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To all the Libs out there: Science, facts and logic are part of your Socialist agenda.
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^ See how being a lib is a mental disorder or just a retardation. "Fact" with no logic. We would have had a president that would have went in a very different direction. How in the hell can you fundamentally transform a country who's ways have been ingrained in it for 238 years? We will not survive it.
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He didn't do it alone. The blame should be spread to many. Political affiliate is mute
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If he didn't do it alone, why the hell does he take credit for everything? I I I me me me my my my. When GWB increased the debt 1 trillion dollars, he was unpatriotic. When Odumbass does it, it's good politics. You can't live on both sides of the freaking fence, dumbasses! Oops. Sheeple
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HARD LINE CONSERVATIVES ARE F U C K T A R D S. Fox had ruined your few remaining brain cells.
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^You want to talk about brain cells. Libs operate solely on emotion. "It sounds good, giveme giveme giveme!!" Libs love lies, and fall for them everyday. Try to use some logic, and check in to reality sometimes. It will go along way, just try it. I love it when I can pick on the stupid. Conservatism is based on truth.
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The most recent research (I know you hate research science facts and the like) have proven that consistent watchers of Fox News score lower on knowledge of US and World news than those people who watched no news at all. Facts? Check all the bank fraud FACTS that your business boys have been providing. I agree with F U C K T A R D S as a proper term. Now go try to take over the reproductive rights of women. Jesus would be so proud of you for lording your conservative creds over the poor.
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The biggest lies that libs tell is that the poor and the lower middle class will be better off with them since you do not believe in economics or it is just that they lie to dumb lib voters. The Fact is, and you can and should look this up is that lower capital gains, and corporate taxes help raise income levels for them groups, and unemployment is lower. Do not believe Fox, Do not believe lib media. Look up economic data.
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The only thing he has done is spend spend and spent ohh and play golf
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killed bin laden, did bush do that? Oops
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Holy smokes, look up the econ data, are you kidding. We have the biggest income disparity in over 50 years. The income level of the wealthiest went up over 300 %. How much did yours go up. You are blind by the foolish belief that the rich care about you. IDIOT. Jesus, you are being raped and saying it doesn't feel so bad. This is the kind of stupid thinking that brought on the french revolution. Not that you know history you fool.
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2^ Bush didn't do it and NEITHER DID ODUMDUM! Navy Seal Team 6 with intel from a program put together by Bush got bin ladin. Odumdum doesn't know which end of a gun to point, and he cowered in a room with other cowards while NST6 went in and took care of business. I don't give Odumdum ANY credit for that other than getting out of the way so it can be done....And he gets a Nobel Peace
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^2 Can you say Jealous nasty hating lib. The rich does not effect me in less they give me a job. In "FACT" People don't get rich working for poor people. I bet you are the type that gets made when someone does anything better then you. You should try to be the BEST YOU CAN BE.
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Bush ruined the economy. Bush started a useless, baseless war. Obama tried cleaning up the mess. Please blame the NEXT Republican you want in there. Romney sent jobs overseas, and closed jobs here. Good luck idiots. More of the same.
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He closed Jobs that were wasteful to keep the business he invested in open, saving many more jobs that would have been lost. He was a turn around specialist. He saved troubled companies. I think he can save a troubled country. I can't help but arguing with idiots. As if it will do any good. You just can't fix stupid.
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You really can't fix stupid and I find myself in the same boat. Bush ruined the economy? Are you talking about the economy that was controlled by Pelosi and Reid in the House and Senate? The TARP was THEIRS, not Bush's. And let me ask you a hard question. Since Bim Ladin killed roughly 3,500 American people, what SHOULD we have done? The same thing Clinton done? Nothing? Just let them keep blowing people and stuff up? Did you forget about the 2 US Embassys that were bombed under Clinton? How about the first attack on the world trade center, did you forget about that? And the lives lost on the USS Cole. All perpetrated by bin ladin and ignored by Clinton. SOMETHING had to be done and Bush was brave enough to do it. You are an idiot if you think otherwise.
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so everything that works our was bush, everything that went bad was the dems? Did bush EVERY lie (oh say weapons of mass destruction?) So when Dick Cheney SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE did a Dem do that? Obama has to fight with a more obstructionist group than bush did. Bush initiated the TARP with a presidential directive and pushed it though. Can't you even read the news. Terrorists don't care who is president, they just hate the USA. As for seal team 6. Very brave and Obama ORDERED the attack against the advice of countless people. If it had failed you would be saying he was stupid for trying it. When it works you say he did nothing. If Bush HAD to so "Something" about Bin ladin, why didn't he kill him? Bush spent his over privileged youth doing drugs, drinking, committing a felony while behind the wheel of his car, going to YALE because his daddy arranged it (He only got a C average. He never accomplished anything but making his oil buddies rich and powerful. He was a coward and an idiot. But at least he didn't have a secret swiss bank account and make millions while destroying companies in the USA. He outsources his profits and gives tax payers the risk. ROMNEY is a vampire. I would tell you to suck it, but Romney already does.
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^ What is outsourcing profits? How does he give tax payers the risk? This should be good, do tell. Maybe if you talk about it we can try to fix stupid.
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Outsourcing is where a company gets another company to do a job. Say a small business outsources its accounting. Off-shoring is, for instance, where a company sets up a call center in another country instead of the U.S.. He could not pin off-shoring on Romney, so Obama is betting on people being stupid, and totally misleading Americans.
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Romney moved not just jobs "off shore" he admits that, but if you are paying attention, he moves his OWN money offshore to avoid taxes. Why else would he need a Swiss Banking Account. What is your boy hiding? He has secret accounts in other countries. Why? Every other presidential candidate releases an average of 6 years off his taxes. Romney wants to give only 2 years of taxes. Again what is he HIDING? Why does he need a business in Burmuda? Tax avoidance. He hides his money like he hides his devotion to the billionaire friends. He doesn't care about the middle class or anyone that can't make a 10,000 dollar bet. How can you not see how slippery he is? He doesn't care about anyone but the rich.
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Hey, here's something to chew on...all politicians are the same thing. They all work to benefit the rich, and rape the middle class, and completely disregard the poor. They will never change, it's an illusion, they are run by the ultra wealthy and no matter who you vote for, right, left, f***, CENTER, you will always be f***ed over by them. Why argue?
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very good point!
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You people are such idiots! Did you hear Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz questioning about Romney's offshore investments? Did you happen to know 3 years ago she was under scrutiny for, let's see...hiding money in Switzerland? When she did it, was it okay? When Romney INVESTS money in Swiss banks, you call it fraud. He has never been investigated, but your girl blabbermouth has. As for putting his money where he wants to, it's HIS money. That's not TAXPAYER money.
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(continued) It's his risk, not mine or yours. As for Cheney shooting the guy in the CHEST, not the face. Have you ever heard about Kennedy and Chappaquiddick? Here's the big difference. No one died at Cheney's hand. Someone DID die at Kennedy's hand and he tried to cover it up! So 20 plus years ago, George Bush got one DUI. He paid his fines and did his community service and quit drinking....Is that different than your boy Odumdum admitting yeah he inhaled, that was the point!
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(continued) How about in his book when he talks about doing blow, drinking heavily and drugs enthusiastically. The difference? Bush got caught and golden boy didn't. Or did he and it was washed away? Bush never had a C average. Every lying news media that published that lie had to do a retraction because Bush had a 3.97 gpa. That doesn't equal a C dumbass. Furthermore, if my Dad were wealthy, I would have gone to Yale and so would you. Don't begruge anyone the opportunity their Dad's gave them. You're just one of those 99% idiots who think someone owes them something. Well, NO ONE owes you ANYTHING, but I'll give you something you need. Get a job, get off welfare and get a life. Stop being an idiot and a leach
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^ You drink the shit out of the kool aid..and seem very proud about it.
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WOW angry much? Impressive that Romney NEVER did anything wrong. I guess only republicans get into heaven. That way they don't have to interact with the poor people they trampled on to get there. I suppose the huge banks, committing countless frauds and now being caught, manipulation of the libor, loosing billions of dollars, breaking the law like they are above it aren't bad either. Don't forget, your "good wealthy republican job creators" have been have the truth told by one of their own. Can you say Jack Abramoff? He rolled, now everyone who pays attention knows. BTW George the 2nd did more than drink once, don't forget the cocaine. Don't forget him hiding from the war, don't forget how terrible a job he did dragging us into torture. And the man did get shot in the face. Too much fox makes you really stupid doesn't it. lololol
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God loves hard core right wing conservatives! They don't take up space in heaven. Go on, little conservative, think i through! I know logic is hard, but this implies you all go to hell with the bad guys like Hitler and Rush.
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DEMOCRATS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry we're real humans!
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See that's why no one can get through to you libereral idiots. When someone starts throwing facts at you, all you can do is roll up like a worm and throw insults. No one ever said Romney was perfect. Here's the fact. You want to bring up everything a Republican did, but can't stand the heat when five things a democrat did are thrown back. So Abramoff is in prison. Maybe he's cell mates with Blago and Obama's former real estate buddy. How many ethics committee investigations are going on right now? Maxine Waters and the old guy and I can't think of his name. Go ahead. Who else do you want to compare? Your idiots aren't perfect either and it's the democrats who lead the corruption charge 5 to 1. Again, Cheney did NOT kill anyone. Do you care to explain Chappaquidik?
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1^. Forget it bro. Haven't you ever heard the term never try and teach a pig to read. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. Trying to teach an ignorant lib is fruitless. They're too stupid to understand simple things. That's why they're democrats. If they were smart, driven, hard working people they'd be us!
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Democrat with a law degree, successful business, kids, house, paid bills, and all the toys I want. Difference is, I have a heart. So tell me how hard you have worked and how successful you are. Do you have a doctorate, have you made it into the top one percent. The odd thing is, I did that all and STILL have a heart.
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Democrat with a law degree, successful business, kids, house, paid bills, and all the toys I want. Difference is, I have a heart. So tell me how hard you have worked and how successful you are. Do you have a doctorate, have you made it into the top one percent. The odd thing is, I did that all and STILL have a heart. Oh and as for two up, Who is the idiot, The LIBERAL or the idiot who can't SPELL it. It isn't " libereral idiots." As you spelled it. Who is stupid now?
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Who's the idiot who can't take the substance of a paragraph without picking out ONE misspelled word and attacking it? Again, rolled up worm throwing insults. The liberal, libereral or however you want to spell ignorant, rules of engagement. Same old rhetoric but cut and run when presented with facts. Poor ignorant sheeple. How much of my money do you get in your foodstamps check each week? Just curious. Democrat with a law degree...Same way Odumdum got his? That's laughable.
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we need more robin hoods and less gentrifying of the hoods -- robbing hoods. eaT THe RIch
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Amazing how the human EGO can go nuts over this subject. I love this time of year. Seeing people fight over stuff they have no control over. (Even if you think you do) Pass the Popcorn!
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