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When I was 12, I had sex with a girl who was 2yrs older then me, several times. I'm not bi or gay. I experimented. No one knows, not even my hubby of 10 years.

When I was 12, I had sex with a girl who was 2yrs older then me, several times. I'm not bi or gay. I experimented. No one knows, not even my hubby of 10 years.

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Category: secrets

Ask yourself why are you still obsession on this?
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Its really not a big deal
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I call this exploration. What do you think hubby did? Can't we have secrets?
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No need to tell your husband.None of his business. It's nothing to worry about, forget it.
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Tell your husband. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
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Don't tell hubby.#1 he may act disgusted with you only because he'll be hurt or tell hubby and he may want to include another woman in your bed and that will be up to you.Let the good times roll.
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The above poster is wrong. I used to do sex with a boy when we were both 12. We're both married to women now and neither of us would ever do what we did again. Kids do shit like this. Its part of growing up. Don't tell the husband.
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I agree with above poster. You are not bi or gay. You were 12 and you were experimenting. Have you ever done it again? Doesn't seem like it from the secret. I think you are scared your hubby will be grossed out or want to include another woman and you don't feel any longing to be with a woman so it makes you uncomfy. Maybe he will make fun of you or make you feel upset over something you did when you were 12. No big deal. Every kid experiments and those who say they don't, are lying. Doing that at 12 doesn't make you bi or gay, so no worries my friend. And don't tell the hubby if you don't want to, no pressure. I am sure he has secrets he doesn't want you to know.
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I don't agree with the poster who says you are bi & that if you were straight you would have included a male. Maybe you did experiment with males too. But you also did with another girl. Not a big deal really. And just because she says she experimented & "had sex" with another girl doesn't mean she ate her twat. They could of done numerous things that can be considered "sex". Do what you have to & don't feel pressured to tell the husband. He prob has done stuff you don't want to know about. And I don't blame you for still feeling "upset" over this situation. It takes different effects on every person. Just know that you are not alone, are not strange & that most girls do this around that age. It is normal!
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Yes just put that episode in your life behind you and look forward instead of backward.
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Everyone is bi, they just don't know it yet.
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Your husband would LOVE to hear about it lady, believe me, preferably in bed and IN DETAIL.
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At age 12, we do not even know our sexual preference, mostly. When i was 10 a friend of mine and I camped out in my back yard and played a little. I have never done that since and am happily married to my wife. We have been married almost 30 years. PS- She is reading this as I type it-LOL.
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If you only knew how common your story is in some variation or another. It would be unusual to not have had an experience of some sort.
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I hear you! I was also sexually very precociousin my teens. I had sex with my friends sixteen year old sister when I was fourteen, and by the time I was a senior, I had sex with five other girls. I also had sex with a guy who was a few years older, just to see what it was like. It was OK but not what I really liked. It was not a big deal at all, and nobody needs to know about. In my experience, when you share personal things with people about yourself, they just use it hurt you and attack you.
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