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 We have been married for 42 years.  I have not had sex in more than 20 years.  I am afraid to have an affair even though I really want one.

We have been married for 42 years. I have not had sex in more than 20 years. I am afraid to have an affair even though I really want one.

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Category: secrets

Welcome to the club! Get out and get you a little bit, even if you have to pay for it!
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I have a friend who has been married 18 years and has not had sex for the last 11! I think this is sad. Sex is a part of marriage...have you tried counseling or is it just not there anymore? Going out and getting some may only make you feel guilty....
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I am going on the assumption that this was written by a man, even though it could VERY well have been a woman! I am a woman and have had several affairs. It's actually made my marriage stronger because I don't expect as much from him. I am not trying to make excuses for you, but SHE broke her vows first. Food for thought.
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same here, ive had numerous one nighters too. feel guilt only because of the commandment thing. but other than that its her loss. why do you think we men get corvettes or boats and motorcycles(me). thats our fun now! and in a few years we die! have a great day
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Why be married if you are going to cheat?
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I've had several affairs but they are all good, solid relationships. I don't go out and have sex just to be having sex. Two of the women I had affairs with are still friends. Don't sit there being miserable, find someone. How is it cheating if your partner isn't interested in honoring her commitment?
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Jesus, you all need to be divorced!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah, my wife hasn't put out for like...7 days.
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Jeez we only get 1 life people. Go out and get laid.God make sex feel good so we would want to do it( and reproduce too ofcourse)so go get your freak on already.I've been with my hubbie 29 years and we still love to do the monkey dance.GO GET LAID!!!
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go get you a lil nookie
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Just whip it out and demand it!!! my guess is she is seeing someone else
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You both need to go to a sex therapist. No need to cheat at this point in time...get help!
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whack off in her face while she's sleeping.
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I don't believe this is FEAR, I think it is called "honoring your vows" which most people ignore. Your happiness will come because of your wise choices, totally disease free and honest! Kudos!!!
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That last post is awful. Geez man, go have some fun. I have sex with my wife 5 times a week. I still find time for the 2 couples I'm sleeping with. Go out and have some fun. You only live once.
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Please give more info. Man or woman? Why no sex for 20+ years? Spouse refuses or can't perform? Is there still love?
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Whatca waitin for? It's not like you'd be spreading a STD?!
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Don't have an affair you will get caught and when you do is it really going to be worth the hurt you are going to cause ask for a divorce tell her why.... you're a coward if you cheat
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fck that life is too short go out and f***
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just come to vegas and fck a prostitute just wear a condom
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20 years? I think you get a free pass. Someone holds out for 20 years doesn't deserve the right to complain about infidelity.
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Yall need some help. I don't mean just one of you, I mean both.
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you must be dry as a washrag if its been that long
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