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I want out of my marriage but im scared because i dont know how i would support myself or how to even tell my husband

I want out of my marriage but im scared because i dont know how i would support myself or how to even tell my husband

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Category: secrets

if its something that you really want you can make it work. I have beena stay at home mom for the past year. I have no car and no income. I just told my husband last week that I am leaving. You will never beleive how many family members and friends have offered to help in so many ways. I will tell you it was the hardest thing ever to tell my husband as i really truely do love him. However I am no longer in love with him...he has spen the last 9 years pushing me away and it finally worked. I will start school in 2 weeks the financial aid that i am getting from that is enough to pay for a place for me. It will all work out.
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god bless u both
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You are not alone. I just asked for a seperation from my husband of 10 years. I also love him, but haven't been in love with him for a few years now. It's increbdibly hard to sit here pretending for the kids it is o.k., when you know they're world is going to change. But imagine what it would be like in 10 years for you and for them if you didn't trust yourself. Good luck and know you are strong enough to get through this.
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Go find yourself.
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i too am leaving. after too many years. it's time to make me happy. let the happiness begin!
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I feel the same. I deserve to be happy. Help me find the strength.
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You are not alone. There are many of us that feel that way and simply don't have the strength. I know I am growing old because of it. Too soon, too early.
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uhhh, you go GET A JOB...that's how you support yourself. and do your husband a big favor and tell him you're unhappy....then you can both go find happiness separately. don't waste your life.
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I feel bad for all of you leaving your husbands. Unless of course he is abusive or etc.. Makes me feel lucky to know that my husband fully supports me especially when I need to find myself. Which is now. I told him we need to seperate and he won't let me go, because he knows there is LOVE there. If you even have an oz of love for eachother...stay. it will not get better with anyone will just have to start over.
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to the person that asked "why do you women settle then" as time goes by people grow people happens. to the poster it's possible your hubby is feeling the same way. its time to start communicating.
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Join the crowd. My sister feels so trapped and wishes she can leave daily. I left and got hell for it from everyone including my own family, his family, friends and my daughter who told all her friends she hated me. He begged me to come back to help raise the kids. He nows holds money over my head and blackmails me. I have affairs behind his back cause I dont love him. I do care for his well being tho. Im here for the kids. I hate it when I have to give it up to him oncer per month. Im cold and tell him Im not into it cause Im going thru my change. I hope you are stronger than I am! Good luck.
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Your husband deserves to know. How do you know he won't do anything to keep you? Maybe he can't read your mind?
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he probably feels the same.its unfair to both of you to be stuck together.geta job at wendys and get an education.anything worth doing wont be easy, but will be worth it.what does not kill you only makes you stronger
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You are the Captain of your Fate
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You are also the Master of your Soul. NOW LIVE
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