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I am a haunted man I see things that others do not see...and have for 41 years...I am has followed me all my life.

I am a haunted man I see things that others do not see...and have for 41 years...I am has followed me all my life.

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Category: secrets

What kinds of things do you see?
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actually you are not haunted... you are blessed with a gift. put it to good use instead of taking it as a curse! good luck and take care =)
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I can see how this would get to you. I think it would be amazing to have a gift like this but the reality is that you can't turn it on and off.
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What a cool gift - think of the good you can do with it, and Get Busy!
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When you want peace say the Lords prayer. I recite outloud I am master of my own ship I dont wish to see you right now. I works try it
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You may have the spiritual gift of discerning spirits. It is very rare, and can be frightening. The spirits you see are demons, and you can rebuke them with the word of God. Your gift is to warn people who have demons attached to them, and teach them spiritual warfare. We have power over satan and his demons, if we claim the blood of Jesus and command them to leave in the name of Jesus.
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Like the first guy, I want to hear more.
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Thisi isn't a gift. Your hallucinating. Get to a doctor.
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yes please exsplain the things you see.haunted by what! the past. the present. the future.
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my son says he sees things dead people and dogs. they are not demons. would like to hear more info from you though.
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he sees their spirits thats not sick you dumb f*** you don't know what you are talking about.
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Believe me or not (I don’t care) ... Maybe you don’t remember but at one point in your life you asked for the gift you have been given. (I don’t mean that in a bad way) it CAN be controlled. If you are frightened during your vision, surround yourself with white light *this takes practice* If you feel your own life is in danger, you tell them to leave you alone in the name of Jesus. If you do not WANT to see the visions, ask your "god" or "higher power" to take them away.
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There are many .... many of us out there who see things - and people - and spirits. This IS the real world .. without limitations like this material world claims to be. Embrace it.
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Not being an a$$, but when you see things are they clearly things no one else can see??? Or is it something you have to look around and look to see if anyone else is seeing it too??? Really, how do you see it, I think this is facinating...
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Creepy COOL! Can you see what color is my Underwear?
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It's not a curse to see things; it's a blessing! Use the Sight to help others, for what you give comes back to you!
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Sure, life has a purpose. Perhaps you've found yours. Love cannot die.
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