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Now that I'm rich, why shouldn't I have a real fur coat?  f*** all those little animals that it took to make it.

Now that I'm rich, why shouldn't I have a real fur coat? f*** all those little animals that it took to make it.

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Category: secrets

I'd be willing to bet that you lack any real consciousness ... you probably came into your money by unethical means ... and probably lack any empathy for people or animals ... I'm glad I'm not you.
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Now that I've a huge knife and a good defense attorney, why shouldn't I gut you and mount your head on the wall of my hunting cabin? Humans are the most interesting prey anyway. Besides, I'd be doing a public service by flushing bad DNA out of the gene pool.
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to whomever wrote the third comment down: thank you.
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Fake post - its funny tho to see you people get all up in a lather over it.
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You're disgusting. What if I skinned you alive and wore you as a coat? What, thinking you have money entitles you to killing innocent animals? People like you are the asswipes of the Earth.
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I concur, fake post devised to piss off the masses.
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finally a good use for all those cats i keep seeing everywhere.
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Why does everyone think this is a fake post? I in no way agree with the person that posted this secret but who are we to say what is real and what isn't? Maybe this person really is just very sick. I am sure that whether it is real or not they lack compassion and probably got where they are unethically.
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You people are f***ing ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with wearing fur. I mean really what are you all a bunch of squeamish 12 year old girls? Fur is natural and very nice. The fact you guys are all upset about the poor little animals is just silly and goes to show how weak and pathetic America has become. Buy not buying fur your not saving a life here guy these animals are raised for the express purpose to be used for furs. They are not hunted down from the wild, even if they were as long as population control was maintained to prevent the devastation of a species there is nothing wrong with that. Animals are a natural resource to be utilized at our discursion. They give nourishment, companionship, and provide wonderful materials. Would you go to an indigenous peoples and tell them they need to stop using the poor little critters for food and clothing and rather have them munch down some yummy synthetic crap like we eat and cloth them selves with materials made from petroleum products that can actually cause harm to the environment?? Then wow you people are super misguided. Ok you want to counter that clothing made from fur is also not environment friendly do to processing of the materials, well just to let you know there are enough brains in a deer to tan its own hid and very often such processing techniques are becoming more widely utilized in fur and leather production. You people are the ones f***ed up in the heads for getting so damn emotional over this. Fur is not murder, fur is natural.
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I totally agree with the above poster. Sound like a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. Bunch of pussies.
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On a bitter cold winter day, nothing, NOTHING is more functional than a good fur coat. I have always worn one, and always will. They are timeless, and actually , because you can wear it for years, are a much better value than some cheap piece of fabric crap that you have to toss out after a winter or two.
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you Americans.
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I see a lot of posts where people feel thier life has no value and the post is almost ignored. But post about animals and everyone responds. I too care about animals I just wonder when are people going to care about other people too
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A person who wears a fur coat is no worse than a fast food junkie. I personally wear a nice leather motorcycle jacket and leather shoes. Nothing worng with it.
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Have you ever seen the episode of Masters of Horror called "Pelts." Pretty f***ing disturbing
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Okay, to the person who said we were all "f***ing ridiculous and squeamish 12 year old girls"...Yes, fur is a natural resource to be utilized, it is just how we go about getting it. Your right, what about indigenous people? How would they survive without these resources? For one thing they don't lock animals in cages, starve them, mutilate them and make them live in their own feces until they are killed. These people simple hunt to survive. So, before we get all emotional (which I might add you are as well) we need to remember that animals are living beings just as you and I are.
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you just confirm the shallow selfishness having money brings. what more is a fur coat in this day and age than a status symbol anyway? egotistical f***
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most animals that are killed for fur,never get eaten. I think that is a waste. weather used as filler in dog and cat food or eaten by a human. I have never seen fox steak at the piggly wiggly.
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Money does not buy class sweetie and that's coming from a shameless self described label whore
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I'm a Peta Lover,people eating tasty animals and wear their skins to stay warm.
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i love animals, and hate to see them abused, but i see nothing wrong w/ eating meat and wearing fur. all you peta people can kiss my ass, and offer up your children for drug testing, etc if the mice mean so much to you. you are probably the same people that support partial birth abortion. save the animals, but scramble up a fully developed babys brain to save yourself the inconveinence of having a kid at the last min. animals were put here for a reason, to serve humans. treat animals humanely by killing them quickly!
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From poster #3: For poster #4, you're welcome. Just callin' 'em like I see 'em. For poster #8, thanks for the love and yes, I'm single. Too few worthy humans, and I'm not romantically/sexually attracted to animals. However, I like meeting new, interesting people for friendship or even debate. Feel free to write me at For some of the other posters here who commented about animal rights advocates/activists and their "emotional" reactions, it seems to me that YOU're more emotional in your defense of your indefensible position. Animals are no more our property to use and abuse that children are. Methinks thou dost protest too much. Oh, and for the poster just above, I almost agree with you about the hypocrisy of people who fight for animals, but protect abortion with misleading terms like "pro-choice." Actual pro-choice would mean you CHOSE not to be a philandering, irresponsible whore. Of course, this argument doesn't apply at all to victims of rape-that's a different matter altogether.
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f*** you privileged whore.
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Please, PETA doesn't care about the animals... they only care about lining their pockets! They are pieces of shit!
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I like fur burgers.
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Selfish b**** !!!
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Haha just cause you're rich means you can wear fur? Well I think you're a selfish b****:]I wish someone would give people like you what they deserve. Oh and those of you that try and use "God" as an excuse for these actions EXAMPLE "God put animals on earth for us to eat." This may be true, HOWEVER, do you really think He would still feel the same after seeing the way they are treated? Uhm no, I think not. AND another one "Well even if we all stopped eating meat, they'd still be killed in nature blah blah blah" Well, actually, its SCIENTIFICAY PROVEN that wild animals CANNOT SURVIVE without meat. HUMANS CAN. Do some f***ing research.
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Is this Oprah??
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f*** you and your scaly little princess bullshit
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f*** you and your scaly little princess bullshit
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aaaahhhh f-ck I want to kill people!!
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I think your little blonde head of hair would look great as a halloween wig for my dog. I love him, and I don't know you or love you, so that should make it ok. Let me cut off all your hair and the skin with it, then I will leave you in a cage for as long as it takes for you to die from your own pain. Why not?
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Don't listen to the haters. It is all political and ways for people to consider themselves better than other people. How many people who turn their noses up at fur have leather shoes?
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You go girl!
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