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I love animals, but I hit my dog sometimes when I'm mad just to see him cower. It makes me believe that I'm a terrible person.

I love animals, but I hit my dog sometimes when I'm mad just to see him cower. It makes me believe that I'm a terrible person.

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Category: secrets

You are the coward, you pathetic, worthless turd. You should give your dog to someone who deserves him. I hope someday someone beats the f*** out of you just to watch YOU cower. I'm a 5'1" woman, and I wish I had five minutes alone with just you and my baseball bat.
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That's because you ARE a terrible person.
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I have never judged anyone on here because of their secrets.... but there is a first time for are MOST DEFINATELY A TERRIBLE PERSON!!!!!
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my boyfriend does the same thing, thats why I got rid of my precious dog and gave him to someone who wouldnt treat him this way. I dont get it, what do you get out of hurting a defenseless animal? It doesnt make you a terrible person, but it sure does mean you need help at some point
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you are a terrible person. that poor dog. you suck.
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2 posters up. You should have gotten rid of your husband and kept the dog. OP.. you aren't a terrible person, it's society that has made you do these terrible things. Blame the Media and G. Bush for your problems. Everyone else does, why should you be any different.
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Why should he blame g. Bush and the media?? That's just ridiculous....or just sarcastic...can't tell
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that's just f***ing sad. abusing an animal who has done nothing to you but love you unconditionally. i hope you f***ing rot in hell.
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I hope he bites your dick off in your sleep.
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If I knew where you were, I would turn you in and take your dog. Loser.
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what an asshole dick head. mean ass dog beater. I'd love to beat your ass over and over then rip your sorry ass face off. b****.
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to 7 up...what makes you think it's a man?...what, women aren't capable of this?....b****
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People who have near death experiences report back having to EXPERIENCE ALL THE CRAP AND PAIN they put other people and animals through. I know a couple where the husband beat the HELL outta his wife for YEARS. Then he had a heart attack on the operating table and had a NDE. When he woke up...he talked about experiencing 20 years of beating the shite out of his wife. He's been kissing her ass ever since to make up for it...and is SCARED as hell about having to go through that again when he drops dead for good. Nice eh?
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That hamster deal is fuunnnyyyyy!!!
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Get rid of the dog and learn how to be a real man, you should feel terrible. You can beat a dog but so long, I hope he turns on you then you will be the one to cower you dumbass.
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You are a terrible person you sack of shit! Wow, I'm sorry but... wait, I'm not sorry. I have two dogs, they're my kids, I'd love to take yours in and save it you f***ing asshole!
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you ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON. disgusting. i wish i could take your dog away from you. my dog was abused before i got him, and just thinking of someone being so cruel to him or any other animal breaks my heart.
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what makes you think you can claim to "love" animals if you hit your own? selfish, disillusioned f***.
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dog hell is real, you are going there.
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You are a terrible person he didn't do anything to deserve you- he deserves better
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As bad and horrible as this is, the reality of the situation is that it IS happening. So how do we fix it? I think the person is on here trying to tell "someone" to get it out there and maybe heal from it and treat his/her animal better and with respect. We all have bad days and some of us deal with them in inappropriate ways. Let's help this person treat their animal better. I think he/she really loves their dog and they know that it is a bad thing that's happening and they are here to get help. I know you can do it! When you are having a bad day, cuddle with your dog or take him for a walk. Dogs are amazing because no matter what, they love YOU unconditionally. As you are coming home focus on that, how much your animal loves you and how hurt you are when you hurt him. Good luck!!!! :)
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I hope you go to a special Hell where you are immobilized while an entire pack of dogs slowly bite you into tiny, painful pieces.
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It does make you a terrible person. Asshole.
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I hope you don't have kids, you may enjoy that better! You have some SERIOUS problems and need help. First, give your dog away to someone who will love them unconditionally as the dog loves you that way. Then RUN and get some help!
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I hope you burn in hell. That poor dog deserves so much better I hope he/she rips your f***ing throat out.
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yer luckey I dont know you or I would f***ing kill you feed you through my meat grinder then feed you to the poor abused dog. shit, you f***ing asshole.
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yeah, im the person who posted this. it's not true, i made it up to see how many assholes there really are on this site who power trip themselves by sitting behind a screen, endlessly criticizing people and making empty threats. if you truly cared about dogs who might go through this, you would get off your web-surfing loser asses and donate your effort to some good causes. I love how people assume that since it's a terrible thing to happen, it must be caused by a male, no question. and yeah, i've bopped my dog on on the head for being bad before, but nothing close to making him cower in pain. most of you are proof that society really is in trouble.
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You are a terrible person, I feel sorry for you
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i agree, your a terrible person.
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in response to the fourth post from the got rid of the dog? How about getting rid of the boyfriend..what the F is wrong with you. It's like a woman staying with a man who beats her kids. I dont get it
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Terrible of you to hurt a poor defenseless animal. Check yourself in for mental health treatment.
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I hope you get caught! Just Remember asshole KARMA IS A b****! Just like you! How can you do that to your poor dog who loves you no matter what! I HATE YOU and I dont even know you! Peice of shit!
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Sometimes I wish abortions worked retroactively and that stupidity was painful.
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Why would you hurt your dog, that loves and depends on you.....I hope you get an ass beating...
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I don't judge people for their secrets. Except for this one. Animal abuse? That dog loves you, you miserable piece of shit.
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I'd so love to find out where you live. I'd steal that poor baby and shower him with love. I've done it before, twice as a matter of fact. I'll do it again the next time I see an abused animal.
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If you truely 'love animals', you would never ever even think of doing this. You're a horrible, cruel person. Love the way you changed your story too....riiiigghhtt. Anyone that would say this is truely screwed up.
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