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My neighbors are trashy, noisy, drunken, kids running wild, tattooed drug sponges. I smile, say hi, key their cars and call the cops every chance I get.

My neighbors are trashy, noisy, drunken, kids running wild, tattooed drug sponges. I smile, say hi, key their cars and call the cops every chance I get.

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Category: secrets

Sounds like you're the one with the problem.
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The picture isn't real, it's been edited in photoshop as part of a contest.
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Sounds like your the one with god you key their cars then call the cops every chance you get... you're an asshole...
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At least they are upfront about who they are instead of insecure and passive aggressive.
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f*** these responders. You shouldn't key their cars, but yeah, call the police on that trailer trash. Deport them.
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they are white you dumb shit, where the f*** are they goin to deport them? back to england.. i bet they are smarter than you. you f***ing asshole..
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What the world needs now? LOVE! Not bullshit stereotypes and pricks with baby dicks. Also - you have no evidence of anything your just a loser. You don't key their cars...just admit it. You may have considered it but you REALLY didn't do it. If you did - big deal - what was the paint job like on the 83 Pinto to begin with.
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I live next to assholes like this, it's hell! She prostitutes herself when they don't have anything to "junk" and they went to prison for a year for having 88 marijuana plants in their basement. I'd do the same damn thing if the assholes had a car!
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They probably had no true parental supervision growing up. You are no better then they are if you key their car and the cops will get tired of your ass before long, then what happens if you have a "real" emergency?
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I keep our street from becoming trashy by sending neighbors letters asking them politely to please clean up the mess on their front yards and always sign, Thank-you from ALL your neighbors.It really works.
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you know some people cant afford a home, so they have to live in a trailer,that dosent mean they are any different than you,they want the same things you do,its wrong to look down on people who have less than you,you should be ashamed
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If your calling cops for no reason but your annoyed then that is dumb, get over yourself. Now if they are personally harming you or your propety then yeah. I know I live next to them to, I have kids also, but hey they pretty much keep to themselves, just because I don't like what they do or how they keep house, does't give me any right to Narc on them or HATE them, they are diffrent people. We all are, try to see life from a different perspective.
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Yup, my neighbors at my apartments suck also. Kids toys. puke and broken gin bottles in the walkways, music coming through the walls so loud my dishes rattle, people at my door at 2 AM looking for the place that sells drugs scaring the hell out of my wife, broken cars in the spaces so I have to park in the street, rotting food and beer bottles filled to the top with cigarette buts on the porches for months, meth parties until 5 AM, cat and dog shit all over. f*** it. It was a nice place at one time but the landlord will rent to anyone now and yes I'm moving. Thank You.
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You all that live next to these kind of people have shitty credit. Maybe instead of complaining and worrying about the neighbors who you obviously can't control... you can take care of your own business as you are not perfect. Get over yourself, why not extend some help to them instead of hating?
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i have a worthless cunt just like you living next door to me.
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Yeah, you should help them. Offer to watch their kids while they are on a 3 day crank runner, clean up their dirty knee deep in garbage houses. Give them some money so they can get their cars out of impound and they can go score. When they pass out go turn the shit they call music and tuck them into bed all nice and don't call social services just because there's no food in the house and the kid gets water from the dog dish and shits in theyard.
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Cool,if it werent for the un-eventful lives of white trash like you,we wouldnt have the show Cops!The police have better things to do than spank the hand of your neighbor!If you dont like looking at them ,move out of the trailer park!
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Two- up... right on. LOL Way too true.
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