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I always thought being a Jew was like being Catholic or Christian. Then I met him. I know better now. They are a different breed of people.

I always thought being a Jew was like being Catholic or Christian. Then I met him. I know better now. They are a different breed of people.

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Catholics ARE Christians. To simplify it, Christians are either Catholic or Protestant. All the denominations you commonly hear about, such as Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal etc - all of these are Protestant denominations (think of them as subfolders).
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I'm sure whatever led you to this decision has absolutely NOTHING to do with this man, his ethics or personality, his approach to life, thinking, past experiences or personal's simply his religion. How easy! Hitler was Catholic. Mussolini had his children baptized....God, those Christians are animals! See the problem in your thinking yet?
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1st poster... Baptist are Christians.
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I'm with the OP. Jews seem to be inherently twisted in several ways. I never even met a Jew until I was in my 20s, but now I can see what the fuss was always about. It's not their religion, it's their culture.
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What's wrong with judging an entire population off of one example? It's perfectly fine to have prejudices because admit it or not, we've all got them.
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I call bullshit on this - how do you get into your 20s without meeting someone who is jewish?
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me aking my jewish dad for $40 bucks.... dad: $30 buck! what on earth do you need $20 bucks for??
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Theres good Jews and theres bad Jews. Some of the biggest assholes I've ever had the displeasure to meet in my 62 years of life were Christians who wouldn't miss church if their lives depended on it.
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OK! There's Jewish people that aren't cheap, bad at sports hyper intelligent neurotic assholes and there's Irish people that don't drink and blacks that aren't low life criminals with a gram of coke and a gun on them with 5 kids with 4 mothers and there's white people that aren't cold blooded liars that think they are better than everybody and only care about money and Mexicans that aren't stupid and dirty and there's Oriental people that can drive and there's Indians that aren't complete alcoholics and... OK! But a lot of the old cliches are old cliches because they are true.
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what the f*** kind of spiders are those?!?!?
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^^It's called a Camel Spider. Not really a spider though. Google it and see.
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I grew up in an upper middle class Jewish neighborhood. They believe the life of a Jew has more value than anyone else. I never let it disparage me, but never liked them for that thinking.
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God Dame it ... we are all one of gods children regardless of our religion.
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I have no beefs with the jews. All the ones I have met were straight shooters. Jews are aggressive in whatever they do, but they have respect for learning and knowledge which is why a lot of them excel at all sorts of stuff. (The chinese are like that also, and many people are resentful of them too)
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