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I'm an atheist, but I think the Hare Krishna religion is beautiful.

I'm an atheist, but I think the Hare Krishna religion is beautiful.

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atheists who major in English can appreciate all religious texts for their literary beauty. If you find beauty in anything, regardless of how you have defined yourself, you should enjoy whatever it is that touches your being. It makes life worth living.
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I find most religions to interesting and ornate. I really don't believe in God, but I can make a weak yet plausible argument for such a deity, therefore, I'm agnostic. I like to collect the religious icons and accouterments of most any religion.
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It's nice to see 3 thinking people respond to an honest and heartfelt revelation. Thank you.
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We love to go to the Hare Krishna temple and restaurant here in Dallas. People of all walks of life and colors are here. The festivals are wonderful. We are not quite Hare Krishna - we feel more at home here than anywhere else. Everyone is welcome, no one is excluded. If I join a religion it will be this one. My life is far richer because of my exposure. I think that I just almost talked myself into joining.
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it's okay to apprciate other peoples belief systems, and still adhere to your own. even if you believe in nothing, you are still believing something, and that's okay too
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An atheist still beleives in something...just not God and Jesus and Satan. If you love the Hare Krishna view on life, then follow your heart. Unless you feel guilty about it.
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Great secret. I can relate, though I'm atheist I am intrigued by many religions especially the beautiful artwork associated with them.
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I just want to know where the Hell (pun intended) we go when we ALL die?!? 72 virgins? Golden roads? Fire and brimstone? Come back as a piss ant or something that becomes roadkill?
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We don't go anywhere. It's that simple. Sad, but true. The simplest solution that fits correctly, is almost always the right one.
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