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When it come to getting a divorce, women are so luck. They get half of the money, but they keep all of the pussy. Is that fair ?

When it come to getting a divorce, women are so luck. They get half of the money, but they keep all of the pussy. Is that fair ?

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Category: secrets

Absolutely not!
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They also keep all the drama, bullshit and batshit crazy so I guess it balances out.
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I love pussy and women, the guy above me is twisted, sorry your mother did that to you.
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If you think money and a vagina are the only components of marriage, your situation makes perfect sense.
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You forgot the real twisted part: men have made these laws! She's out spending your money on her new cockfriend. She love it.
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dumb and not a secret.
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Hey guys! Most women get married because they want to be married. You all mess up, and mess up bad, break our hearts and then want to complain about the $$$?!? You better hope they never put a monetary value on a broken heart. While I'm on the subject why do so many of you get married in front of everyone you know, spend thousands to do it and then cheat? Or be lazy, or mean? You all obviously like to give away $ so stop complaining.
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Love the picture I would gladly give all to lick any part.
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Remove this stupid comment takes two to make AND break a marriage.
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YEAH, it's more than fair!!!
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Gee, my Mom didn't get half the money, but she did an STD from the Snake before he left. You tell me is THAT fair?
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obviously she is going to give that Pussy to someone who knows what to do with it.
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Women get half the money to shut them up. You can rest at night because then she's being shut up by a new dick in her mouth. To keep her quiet during the day and off your back you gotta give up the money. And honestly, after marriage, isn't NICE to get some strange?
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Jennifer has all the pussy you want.
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what do you have a 3rd grade education??
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if they didn't have a pussy, there would be a bounty on their worthless fvckin heads!
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To the 4th poster up: I was 27 at the time. I am my Mom's friend not just her daughter. The things The Snake did durring the divorce, the things we found out - I was so dissapointed in my own blood. There wasn't a time in their 25 year marriage that his mouth was moving and a lie WASN'T coming out of it. To the OP - men do women wrong the same number of times women do men wrong.
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^ From a man - Here, Here! ^2 Bitterness must get you laid often hey? You are a mean and ugly puppy, No wonder women hate you! And that goes for all the twisted men who think women are their private punching bags. a** ****s!
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You mean you'd really want to keep hittin something that just divorced you?
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^^If she looked anyhting like the girl in the picture, I'd want to keep hitting it even if she stole all my money and hired a hit man to kill me. Who IS that chick?
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No woman on this planet look like that - can we say airbrushed.
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It may be everywhere but not all pussy is the same. Im with the best I ever had. She has the perfect looking and feeling pussy I have ever seen or felt. Im in my 50s and had plenty! Her pussy could easliy be in Playboy. MMMMM the best ever!
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There is a perfect solution! You could get sex change surgery, then you'd have a pussy of your very own to play with whenever you wanted!
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cut it off and take half...
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if they divorce you, yes it's fair
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There's only two things that smell like fish. And one of 'em's fish.
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