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When my father died, I tried to commit suicide by running my car into a tree on an impulse. Obviouslly, it didn't work. I broke my nose, and broke my arm. I told everyone I swerved to avoid a fox. Since, then I've gotten my life back together, but I never told anyone what really happened.

When my father died, I tried to commit suicide by running my car into a tree on an impulse. Obviouslly, it didn't work. I broke my nose, and broke my arm. I told everyone I swerved to avoid a fox. Since, then I've gotten my life back together, but I never told anyone what really happened.

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Category: secrets

I'm glad you lived, and I'm sure it's because of your dad that you did...
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hang in there
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He must have been a great person. Sorry for your loss. Remember what he taught you, and make him proud of you.
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I must have kept this for you Things my father taught me Date: 2008-04-13, 9:33AM PDT The measurement of my finger from the tip to the first joint is 1 inch...depth for planting peas. The measurement to the second joint is 2 inches...depth for corn. Return borrowed things in better shape than when you borrowed them. There are two types of is the trouble you knowingly walk into, the other is trouble that just's important to know the difference. Walk softly but carry a big stick. if you have to use said stick, make sure who you use it on, doesn't get up. Grits is good. Foul language is a sign of a limited vocabulary Orion, the Big and Little Dippers. Everyone is a friend until proven otherwise. Licorice ferns, huckleberries, nettles, sword ferns. Tabasco won't kill you even if you eat it by the spoonfull. Don't watch the clock when you're at work. Fish can see you if you look over the side of the boat. Fish can hear you if you talk to loud. Respect the elders. Never go to bed angry. That which does not kill you will hurt like the dickens, but it will make you stronger. Family is the most important thing on earth. How to play the guitar, spoons, mouth harp, and water filled bottles. The true meaning of "Self Made Man" If you don't know something, go to the library and learn it. The phrases "I don't know", "I forgot", or "I tried (and failed)" are excuses. There is a difference between an excuse and a reason, know the difference. Take care of your apperance...even if it is just a t-shirt and jeans. The world can change everything about you, except your point of view...unless you allow it to. David L. McDonald born 1936-passed 2008 precious father beloved husband A right good fellow.
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That's one badass tree.
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You really punished your poor car. It didn't do anything to you. You killed it. Poor car...
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If you were my kid I'd kill ya anyway my kid hit a pole now I pay 450 bucks a month for car ins
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your lucky, my closest brother died running into a tree because the truck started to burn and he was pinned in.
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To the poster of things your father taught you. Your father sounded like a good man. U are lucky to have been raised by him. To the OP, you lived through that for a reason. Wipe yourself off and stand tall again.
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glad you still with us dude.
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The results of your attempt is the very reason why I never made my attempt. Looking back now, I realize that no problem is worth taking your life, but at the time, I would think, "how fast do I have to be going when I hit that tree to not wake up?" I'm glad you're safe now.
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