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I'm a Baptist pastor who completely accepts the theory of evolution.  There are many Christian evolutionists, but if my congregation knew, I'd be fired.

I'm a Baptist pastor who completely accepts the theory of evolution. There are many Christian evolutionists, but if my congregation knew, I'd be fired.

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Everything comes down to economics.
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then how can you preach the word of God if you don't even beileve he is the creator. You are a fraud!!!!
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Actually it does say that God created everything the heavens and the earth. Any way you are a fraud and a hypocrite just like many other christians
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Christian evolutionists? Isn't that like a fema-nazi porn star?
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I also think the two are compatible. Why do fallible humans have to break the timetables down into modern measurements and confine the word of God to a calendar? Evolution is basically the persistance of life- proof that life is precious and needs to continue. Past mass extinctions seem to be almost like a creative power rebooting biology to get different we're here, a species that has the intelligence to contemplate its own creation. In the past 2000 years we've imagined and come to understand the nature of planets. In the past 100 we've explored space and come to understand life on other planets/solar systems. Soon, we'll have the ability to travel far beyond our solar system. Meanwhile, our huge brains continue to evolve and grow and, as years pass, we are more aware of reconciling our animal roots with our divine minds...we are awakening to the possibility of a universal life force made understandable through our evolving is this a blasphemy AGAINST God/creator?
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This is a good one...for me I believe God has a sense of humor(a good one). Is it possible he created everything in six days and since there was nothing when he started, a day was much longer than it is to us today? That is what I choose to believe...I don't think the OP dose not believe in God...just a different version than what is typically accepted...but what do I know...
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Evolution obviously occurs. That doesn't mean life couldn't have been created by a supreme being. Maybe it is time to look for a more forwardly looking congregation.
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Bravo for not kowtowing to those ignorant, narrow minded f#cks in your congregation
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Christians generally accepted evolution prior to the Scopes trial. The Bible does say that God created, but does NOT say what mechanism he used. The Bible is completely compatible with evolution. To say this man is a fraud is completely ignorant.
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This is why I won't go to church though I believe. We have too many hypocrites leading people.
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living a lie great leadership...are you gay too?
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It's not the leaders that are the hypocrites. It's the people who refuse to move forward that are the problem.
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Stay strong and don't listen to morons who say you're a fraud. There are more people like you than you may realize, and they're tired of hiding in the shadows because of judgment from humanity. God is your only judge and he won't be mad at you for having ideas as long as you don't make that the focus of who you are and what you do. Christians used to think the sun revolved around the earth and now we know better. Don't compromise yourself, but don't put yourself in harms way either. Undue guilt has no place in a position of leadership where you are serving a community of people who are just as confused and torn about these issues as you are.
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Darwin was a devout Christian
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...i think there is hope for us all...
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Finally, a true Christian! Someone who tells the truth! You can't deny evolution, but also, God is here. There can be both, I HONESTLY believe that.
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Evolution and God are compatible. Any dolt can understand that so I'm impressed that a Baptist gets it! ;-)
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The problem is that this is one of the weakest sections of the bible...where did "Man" come from.....because those writing the bible just didn't know, or have a they made up a story that was basically their "God" snapped his fingers and a dude named "Adam" appeared in a place called the "Garden of Eden" and pretty soon "God" had to snatch a rib from this "Adam" and use it to create someone called "Eve"...(funny how "God" could create Adam without a spare rib...but anyway, soon there was a talking snake that convienced Adam and Eve to eat an "Apple" of all apple...and the complexity of, and the intertwining of such a tangled web we weave began to be recorded....oh, and BTW, believe all this because....ummm, only because we want you to, so trust brothers, have "Faith" and be afraid of the Devil in "Hell" if you don't believe.....just how crazy is that???????"
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Actually the Genesis account, if read carefully shows that the creative days were perhaps millenia long, not 24 hour days. Each were created according to their "kind" (as the fossil record confirms). Consider this: according to the record we are still in the seventh day and the entire era of creation is summed up as;"in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens".
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I think you can believe in both. I hope that as a Christian pastor, you believe in the Creator, but evolution obviously exists to some extent as well. I am a christian, but hate it when Christians exclude science as a valuable reality. Afterall, God created us in His likeness, including our scientific brains. Science should have a place in the church. In fact, more and more scientists, evolutionists, biologists, neurologists and the like, are determining through their studies that life had to have began with an intelligent design. However, that doesn't exclude the reality of evolution and physical adaptation.
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