Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I wonder if people at work notice the scars on my arms.  I then wonder if they can see that behind my smile, I'm in just as much pain as when I made them.

I wonder if people at work notice the scars on my arms. I then wonder if they can see that behind my smile, I'm in just as much pain as when I made them.

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Category: secrets

You need to talk to someone about this.
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^let me translate. Just be yourself and it will be ok.
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It's strange how people get annoyed at threads about self injury on this site because the site is anonymous. Posting about cutting yourself on your public blog = emo and attention-seeking. Here, they get no attention because there's no name to it. How peculiar.
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my heart goes out to you.I can only imagine the pain inside you. Please don't give up on life or yourself.I encourage you to find professional help. Sometimes it helps to have a nonjudgemental person you can share your feelings with. I know this may be hard to believe right now, but someday this part of your life will only be a bad memory.
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What is it about cutters who have to always tell everyone that they are cutters? Its not even a secret.
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^It's a cry for attention, maybe if someone sees the scars they will assist them in getting help. Sometimes that's what it takes to stop it.
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Tell them that is why you had your cat declawed and deballed.
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oh, sweetie. it makes me so uncofortable when people look at my arms and say "what happened" i never have a good answer except for, "that was from a different time in my life". im ashamed of the scars but i still feel the same. keep your head up, things get better. well, life just gets more tolerable and people are more apethetic, as the years pass.
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slice em and dice em
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Look if you wanna cut, then try cutting other people instead of yourself- it's usually their fault anyway.
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No the problem about this part of lfe is you always will have a reminder. I have many scars and I hate them now. At the time it felt like the thing to do. Now I have to wear pants or long shorts and try to hide my arm all the time... Ive learned my lesson but you cant get rid of the evidence.
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It all boils down to the need for attention. Get help you need it more than attention.
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"Now I have to wear pants or long shorts and try to hide my arm all the time" Now, thats just weird, unless your "arm" is actually your third leg.
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^^ youre an idiot. Theres scars on the legs and one arm.
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"Come to me, all you who are weary and burndened, and I will give you rest. Take my youke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11: 28 - 30 There is an answer. His name is Jesus. By the time He had hung on that cross at Calvary, he was beaten with a leather whip with metal pieces tied on the ends to rip flesh. A crown of thorns was placed on His head then pushed down tight so that the thorns pentetrated into the skin. He carried His cross as He was beaten. After He was lifted on the cross, the guards cast lots for His garments. Oh, by the way, He did this for you. He gave up His human life so that you may be given a chance to conquer sin. His body was taken from the cross and placed in a nearby tomb. On the third day He rose from the dead and revealed Himself to over 500 people. On the 40th day, He ascended into Heaven to be with the Father. His death on the cross provides you the opportunity of life. For if you do not know Jesus Christ, you are dead in Spirit. To repent of your sins and turn to a relationship with Jesus is to be born again. Let me tell you more about the good news! No longer do you have to live in darkness. Go to and there is a prayer to help guide you to Jesus. There also is a way to contact me so that I can explain more of the Great news of salvation. If you have read this far, read this last questions. How old are you? In 100 years how old will you be? Where will you be? humble servant of Christ, zack
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I've noticed people with cuts on their arms, once I pulled a co-worker aside and told him I understand pain behind those scars and if he ever wanted to talk that I'm here for him. Others may see them and know your pain but can't bring themselfs to approach you. Pain can be very personal.
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i dont understand why white people (mainly the women) are so f***ing pathetically passive agressive!!!!!!! if.... please shut up n read!!! if u have issues in ur fuqed up life.... WHY NOT TALK 2SUM1!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO.... u rather cut urself n hope sum1 asks "is something wrong??? everything ok???"then u reply with: oh yea, i'm fine, meanwhile ur screaming in the back of ur mind, "NO! I'M NOT ALRIGHT!!! WHY WON'T SOMEONE STRONG ENOUGH BREAK DOWN MY BARRIER WALLS AND SAVE ME!?!?!?!!!? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M DROWNING IN MY OWN SORROW!!??? WHY IS THAT NO ONE WILL RESCUE ME UNLESS I SCREAM 'HELP'??!?why??? because we're not fuqing mind readers...... be a grown up n talk 2 sum1. and please...for the love of god.... please stop hurting urself sweety. u know??? sum ppl {women} have scars they didnt have the option of putting on their bodies....
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I live with a cutter, and cutters cut bc they feel like the deserve it, they cut for attention too but more for a feeling of pain that they deserve.
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they feel they're releasing their pain, by unleashing their blood.... nope, just losing life honey../.please sweety stop cutting urself. nothing is worth putting a scar on ur body. cuz watever happened in ur life that drove u2 cut, will stay with u 4ever. ppl usually 4get their problems n move on.... but not u... u tainted urself.... u tainted ur soul
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