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My "best" friend never shuts up about her sad life, sorry husband, aches and pains, how depressed she is...i wish shed shut the **** up and lose my number!!!!!

My "best" friend never shuts up about her sad life, sorry husband, aches and pains, how depressed she is...i wish shed shut the **** up and lose my number!!!!!

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Category: Secrets

Dump her or at least have a "come to Jesus" conversation. Be honest, have the courage to set her straight, that's what "best" friends do.
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mine too, it's so annoying!
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This is exactly why I do not try to have too many close friends they b**** about you behind your back but they expect you to hear all thier petty drama.
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Come to Jesus? Look, here is the deal... people are hurt and have problems. If you are going to have any friends in your life you need to accept that and have some empathy. But that is not to say you have to be the shoulder to cry on all the time. That is not being a good friend either. Have some boundaries. When you are feeling like listening, then listen. When you can't, find a kind way to tell them you need some "alone" time. Your friend is not a bad person, just a hurt one and to the person who suggested they "find jesus"... come on can you be any more arrogant, trite and condescending? All of you christians have just as many problems as the rest of us, sometimes more. Being a christian doesn't make happinesss exclusive to your club. It's ironic how christians are supposed to follow christ and have compassion and empathy, but more often that not they are the least like him - judgemental gits.
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Im glad i dont have you for a friend
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I'm sure the feeling would be quite mutual. Regardless, sounds like reasonable and compassionate advice to me.
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2^ - You obviously spend too much time listening to yourself talk. "Come to Jesus" is an expression that means to "lay it on the line,: "tell the truth," "be honest with someone." It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity or leading someone to belief in Jesus. Talk about arrogant and condescending, maybe you should stop and think a little before you pass judgement or for that matter open your mouth and show your ignorants. People like you are so quick to rip the Christians, or anyone they disagree with, you don't take a moment to be tolerant of everyones beliefs. It is part of friendship to be understanding and empathetic but negative people tend to "dump" on everyone, all the time. There are limits to what anyone should take and this sounds like one of those times. So the courageous, right and sane thing to do is to tell this friend how you feel. They may not even realize how negative they are or how that negativity is bring the OP down. As for 2^ maybe you should suspend your obsession with Christians and take a moment to listen rather than talk. IDIOT!
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A "come to jesus" talk doesn't mean converting to christianity, hence the quote marks. Is a slang term used mainly in the south to denote a serious conversation in order for one person to impart some truth on the recipient. Its more or less a "time to change your ways or we can't be friends anymore" talk.
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If she is just venting,let her you are her friend, so you say. Now if she uses that as an excuse to change her life, f*** her. Why not let her know the deal. I recently did this with my best friend and now we are just Casual, she is obviously a fake friend and doesn't care about me at all, only herself. f*** her.
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If you feel this way, why dont you tell her "i'm sick and tired of listening to you b**** 24/7. Please shut the F up and lose my number. and get an f-in grip for god's sakes. Anyway, Love you! have a nice life! bye!"That way you end it on a nice note.
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I am grateful for my loved ones who listened to me pour my heart out over and over again. When I was separated and finally divorced I thought I was going to lose my damn mind. If not for these people, I would have. Are you really a friend? Will you ever need someone if YOUR life falls apart? If your worst nightmares come true? If you think you are strong, think again. You are not even strong enough to listen for a while, yet alone live it.
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wow , with a friend like you who needs enemies. f*** you.
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Mike??? i feel like *this* was written by MY bestfriend. So i've NOT talked to him, since i *read this*. And he has NOT contacted Me. So hopefully he'll be glad. He finally let his secret out. Now he can live *happily ever after* without listening to ME or my problems :D
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Then tell them
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