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  It was only 6:30 AM but i knew I didnt stand a chance at getting a donut for another Hour. Tomorrow morning it will be 5:30 AM for sure.

It was only 6:30 AM but i knew I didnt stand a chance at getting a donut for another Hour. Tomorrow morning it will be 5:30 AM for sure.

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Category: Secrets

that is some funny shit! on the carl vinson the chiefs by dounuts for 25 cent each than sell for a dollar each to e6 and below bummer
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^Above - WTF!?? Are you capable of communicating in English?
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^agreed. I read it like 5 times and have ZERO idea wtf he is talking about.
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He is in the Navy you dumb shits....the Carl Vinson is an aircraft carrier with 5000 people on board...SOOOOO the higher enlisted men, ie, the Chiefs, or Chief Petty donuts for 25 cents each until they are all gone...then the chiefs sell them to the lower enlisted men for a $1 and make 75 cents off of each one...Capitalism and Democracy in action....
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thank you! for explaning to them. LMAO i can't stand the carl vinson the always work my man to death i never get to see him :-(
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5000 men on board a ship going out to sea, 2500 couples come back in to port!
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Yay!! Lets play, try to make a funny caption on a randomly found internet photo. Oops!! Not funny, at all. This is totally staged.
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^DUH!!! it is obviously photoshopped....but it was still funny...lighten up...
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Anyone who thinks some obscure reference to an aircraft carrier constitutes common knowledge is an idiot! Cops
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And we wonder why so many thugs can outrun the law on foot...
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