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It realy makes me sad when I hear rude comments about Big girls and how "ugly" they are. I feel Beautiful. Why Hate on someone for there size? It Hurts so Much

It realy makes me sad when I hear rude comments about Big girls and how "ugly" they are. I feel Beautiful. Why Hate on someone for there size? It Hurts so Much

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Category: Secrets

I actually like big girls. And believe it or not im not black. You will get a bunch of mean comments but everyone has someone who hates them.
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Maybe you shouldn't pose in such revealing clothes? Fat people receive negative responses because humans are conditioned through millions of years of evolution to prefer fit, healthy mates. It's all about the ability to bear and care for healthy children. As much as you dislike it, humans will never have a general acceptance of obesity, because it communicates the idea of being slow, unhealthy, and wasteful. Not a good tribal attribute to have.
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it's okay to love yourself. but if you did you would work on your health.... making sure you don't get your legs cut off from diabetes is really important. i think that obese people who claim to be happy are being dishonest to themselves. if you could push a skinny button that would magically solve your weight issues would you? i know i sure would...
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I think people need to stop Worrying about other peoples health. Who cares what other people are doing? nobody hates on the smokers thought they are probably more unfit and unhealty to care for children, nobody says they aren't acceptable. I can't stand people who use the health issue as the excuse to dislike obeses people? Come up with something else already.
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SMALL DICKED MEN always hate on thick chicks because they love to sift the focus from their small cocks.They attack 1st before they can be laughed at and rejected.THICK CHICKS - don't look like a 12 year old child - and you think their disgusting?Yeah right motherf_cker!!!!!
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The millions of years of evolution is bullshit. Men should naturally like heavier women because they are made more to bear children. They have the weight and proportions for a healthy pregnancy as well as the ability to provide milk for the newborn child. Heaviness was also a sign of being well-off in the past. You can provide for yourself, therefore you can provide for a family. The skinny ones who are starving obviously cannot feed themselves or a family. Men should be fit because they are the hunters, but women are supposed to be rounded.
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I am 235 lbs and I carry myself with confidence and with grace. I know that I am overweight...and I have men comment on my beauty frequently. I do exercise, eat well and take care of myself. I have much more attention now than when I was 160. Good on you. Stand up girl and be proud.
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I agree that the comments are hurtful BUT as an over weight woman, I can see through your "confidence". A confident woman does not need validation nor is she affected by the comments of others. A confident woman does not need to promote herself as a sexual peice of meat in order to get attention... she just is who she is without apologies. I know about being fat. Can you admit you put the weight on as a sheild and as a buffer from the pain you experience? You feel too much don't you? Most of us do and the pain can sometimes be unbearable but the food numbs and the fat protects from the sharp energies of other peoples hate and pain. In terms of healthy, there is physical health and there is menatl health and even fit people are sometimes sick and diseased with their pain that manifests into hate for others. We all need to heal and embrace oneanother fast. It's not what is on the outside that counts, it's what is on the inside. Love yourself and forgive others, that is how we heal. That goes out to everyone, not just the OP.
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2 up: apparently you DO eat "very well"
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Just don't try to sit on my face.
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^5 up - being fat has absolutely nothing to do with healthy childbirth and milk production. In fact, obese women usually have LOW milk production due to fat choking off the milk glands. And no, being fat does NOT suggest healthy pregnancy. Just the opposite. Obese women usually have stressed hearts, weaker placentas, and they clearly do not eat well so the fetus is malnourished. Obese women are not healthy by any measurable standards. Being fat does NOT mean they are made to bear children - in fact, fat women might have pelvic structures that are smaller than fit women; they're just covered up with layers of blubber. Every argument you make is dead wrong. You fail. Fat = lazy.
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Being fat also does not mean eating and eating and binging and eating. A lot of obese people eat only one meal a day, thinking they are restricting intake and can't figure out why they are still maintaining the weight. It's a very common mistake. Take this one meal a day person, give them six small balanced meals and watch them melt away.
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No fat = I cannot deal with the pain. I ronically hate = I cannot deal with the pain - too. Go figure. Wouldn't it be nice if you could step out of your judgemental attitude for a moment and acknowledge all of the pain you feel inside you so that maybe you could have empathy for others?
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to the poster who implied that health is not guess what? obese people have HEALTH PROBLEMS!!! i used to weigh 300 pounds, and i feel a hell of a lot better at 175. obesity will kill you. i have nothing against fat people and hate fat jokes, but your health really is important.
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i am a little chunky myself but i agrees with the third comment from the top.
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I think you are beautiful. You remind me of myself. I wake up every day next to a gorgeous man who has nothing but love for me. He wants me for who I am and tells me how good I look and how much he cares. Most people could stand to lose a few pounds but as long as you love yourself nothing else matters. Any one who hates is jealous and unhappy with themselves.
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YOU look beautiful. I prefer bbw's...if you know what that means. Would love to do things to you. U are amazing though.
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The evolutionist that said we as humans are conditioned to prefer fit: You are not by any means correct. It was preferable in the days of King Arthur for women to be large. It was a sign of status and wealth, just like for men. I (a white guy) think that some bigger women can look really cute, but it depends on how well they take care of themselves.
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being unhealthy and covered in cellulite doesn't make you attractive. eating cheesburgers and fried food instead of healthy does not make you attractive. and the argument that some people eat one meal a day and are still obese is ludicrous, unless it consists of 10lbs of fried chicken, 13 cheeseburgers with bacon, a gallon of coca cola, and a bag of cheese puffs. i mean take some responsibility for your condition. don't just accept it and say that you think you are beautiful. i mean you can be beautiful on the inside but at least make an effort to care for the only body that god gave you instead of letting it blimp out and waste away.
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To the numbskull that commented on women in Medieval times. Are you aware that that was only a few centuries ago? Evolution has conditioned us for MILLIONS of years. Of COURSE there have been a few periods when fat was popular (before we knew how dangerous being fat is to your health). But that does not in any way negate the genetic conditioning most humans have for fit, healthy mates. For the vast majority of human history, fat people have been considered lazy, gluttonous, unhealthy, and mentally slow.
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So basically the guy above said..... Just keep following along. I have no orginal thoughts whatsoever, I just keep on doing what other people do since it's been done like that for so long. WAKE UP. Sp slavery has been going on for who knows how it ok? Think on an orginal level.
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god damn i would kill for tits like yours. be proud girl, you know whats up.
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Her thigh is like 3 of mine put together.
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God you people are so asleep! Please wake up now! Here you are arguing over whether it is wrong or ok to be fat and not at all looking at the reasons why people (YOU) behave the way you do. Some of you judge people who are fat and then take no notice of how hateful and judgemental you are, some of you people are fat and live in complete denial saying how happy you are all the while selling yourself as a sex object! Come on people! Evolve here! Deal with your feelings about yourself and heal. Be considerate, and empathic of other people and their experiences and instead of putting them down, judging them, making them feel like shit, arguing and never coming to a resolution, (takes a deep breath) show one another some love and encourage and empower eachother to heal and be well not just physically but mentally and spiritually!!!!!!!!Do you not see that this constant hate will be the destruction of this human race and planet? Please wake up!!!!
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I see women at my gym that are small (my guess 100-120 pounds) and even THEY have cellulite. I think you should be whatever size you want as long as you are truely HAPPY. Seriously happy. You cant lie to yourself.
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i don't know how you could be seriously happy if you look like the person in the picture. that's all i'm sayin.
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No fat person has ever been seriously happy, when they have to buy 2 airline seats, they have to ride on the electric cart at WalMart, and they can't tell if their shoes match because they can't see them. Obesity is a disease, not a fashion choice.
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I wouldn't mind fat people if they admitted they look terrible. Or you know, didn't put a drain on the rest of us. My healthcare costs go up anytime one of you f***s has a heart attack because you can't put down the fork. Or when you have to have your foot amputated because you got diabetes from eating tubs of ice cream every day. So yeah, f*** you fatty. You don't have to be anorexic to be beautiful (in fact, that's just as bad but on the other extreme) but if you want my respect, then ensure that when you inevitably have a weight-related problem that nobody but you has to pay for it. Deal?
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It boils down to economics. I couldn't care less if some people want to gorge themselves to death. BUT, when their poor choices make MY health insurance premiums go up due to higher average costs, I have to speak up. So lose weight all you fatties, and quit screwing things up for the normal people.
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Normal people?? Is who smokers who also make your insurance go up?? How about babies in ICU, or elderly people, or how about humans who have health Your blaming only fat people for your insurance, and for your hate. Own up and confess that you are hateful people, hateful because people don't do what YOU want them to do. And thats' normal???? lol. I guess I am not normal. PEACE
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Imagine if everyone was thin. I'd feel bad for the chubby chasers. You know there are Men and Women who prefere to be with a larger bodied individual? What about thier desires. There is someone for everyone :D
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as long as they know that that "larger bodied individual"..or fatass...will die much sooner than a healthy parter from a heart attack or worse..that's fine
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3^...right on... thanks. It's nice to know that there are others who visit this site that have an evolved consciousness and not just the ones who's consciousness is comparable to that of GWB.
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Fat is disgusting. Keep trying to convince yourselves it's beautiful. How come most people on tv and in the movies aren't huge lard asses? Because nobody wants to look at that nastiness.
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No one ever said that ONLY Fat people make insurance rates go up. But obesity is one of the few preventable lifestyle choices, along with smoking, that does. Of course smokers are just as selfish and nasty as obese people. That's kind of the point. Poor life choices hurt everyone, not just the ones who choose.
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What I hate is when I innocently ask a fat woman when their baby is due; and, they say, "I'm not pregnant!". OOOOOPS! That fat bulge hanging over their spandex can be confusing!
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There must be a lot of fat-assed female posters on here.
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I didn't know they made a little black dress for an elephant!
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I think shes cute
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Why don't all you haters go and look in the mirror? What is wrong with you? Maybe it's not in the mirror, maybe it's worse. Did you ever hurt someone intentionally? I think you have. You are the real loser. People that are overweight became that way because of other issues in their lives. I was a big girl growing up AND IT WASN'T BECAUSE I LIKED FOOD! You don't even taste it really, just eat and eat, that full feeling is like a hug, like someone that loves you. It makes you feel secure enough to sleep, even while it makes you feel more insecure. People that eat too much have worse problems in their lives, it's kind of like being an alcoholic. Why do you think you are being helpful by pointing out thier bodies? How is it ever ok to comment on someone elses looks to their face? You need to have some compassion if you ever want some in your own life. You never know what's around the corner.
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^ so true...I cried, that is me.It os like a hug and no you don't really tase it. It's horrible. I need help not more pain from nasty comments.
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Most people hate anyone/thing that is "different".
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When did it become okay to hate someone based on the way they look, and when did it become a crime to be fine with the way you look? I'm not overweight, and never have been, and have no problem with people who are. Why should YOU care what someone else does to their body? Should we all look, act, and be the same? I wish people would stop spreading hate, 'cause nobody likes to be judged, and negative words will never have a positive impact.
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As a bigger girl myself, I can only wish for the self-esteem you have! For the rude comments on obesity, my weight gain came from health issues. After many surgeries I was laid up at home on the couch unable to move, or exercise. So I ate, therefore I had weight gain. It is much easier to gain than to lose! I was once skinny and picked on the fatter girls?and yes karma is a b****! I?m sorry to every bigger girl I ever said a rude word to. It?s no fun walking in stores to shop and they don?t carry any sizes over a 12. As for the sex comments?my size don?t stop the head motion, and as for the rest I?m not scared to work up a sweat to please my man! If my man still isn?t happy let him put his ass to work and show me how it?s done!
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To the girl that said her thigh is like three of the pics put together: That's exactly why I'd prefer her over you. I'm sick of bumping thighs because I'm so skinny. I'm naturally thin and I hate it. Long live the big girls and I support you 100% as long as YOU feel healthy. KNOW there are guys out there that love you. PS: I'm white and 26.
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its not just obesity, how about skinny people. fat people are something else
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i would rather f*** a fattie than a skinny anorexic, bulimic twig... MORE CUSHION FOR THE PUSHING!!!! and i am a girl... and i only weigh around 160... and i love my ass and thighs.... so nice to the touch....
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I'm male w/ the opposite problem - 6'4" @ 128
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OMG. These are some of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read. It's not rocket science people! Fat does not = happy. Anyone who is truly happy takes care of their body. Does anybody realize how many thousands of calories one must eat a day in order to become obese?!!! And that adult humans have the same amount of fat cells they did the day they were born?!!! Those fat cells are just so grossly enlarged and the majority of them congregate around the internal organs causing all kinds of horrible health issues. It is not possible to be healthy AND fat. No matter what century you are in, obesity is a problem. Yes, there are cultures that value checker woman, but those woman are not obese, because those same cultures don't have access to the same lard infested food we have here in the states. It actually makes me sick to think that there are millions of people dying around the world from starvation while people are having a debate as to whether being obese is ok. It's not ok. If every fat-ass in the country took the several dollars they spend each day on fast food and donated it to charity, we could end world hunger, loose that disgusting weight, and function as happy, healthy people.
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Relax - black guys love fat white chicks!
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