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If you cant go on:
I am an idiot. I see things most people don't see.

I am an idiot. I see things most people don't see.

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Category: Secrets

that picture is wonderful
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I don't think that makes you an idiot. It sounds like you are intuitive and see things others miss. Sometimes this can feel like a burden, but it is really a blessing. Don't be so hard on yourself, there are plenty of people to do that for you.
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You're not an idiot - I see it too, and it's beautiful. One of those little glimpses of beauty that nature drops in our lap. Maybe she's a little dryad, frozen mid-dance?
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I see a tree with teats.
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Seeing things does not make you an idiot at all. Enjoy the little gifts that are given to you.
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I see a beautiful dancer. Nature speaks to us sometimes that way.
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Im am attention whore, ooops i mean you are
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It is always, great to have someone to share those little idiosyncrasies in life. I think sometimes I go over the top because I have so much to share. Did you ever check out the tree circus? Contorting tree's into chairs, fences and what not. Thanks for sharing this one.
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That's not bark between the cheeks
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I're not an idiot, you are more observant than the others who don't see the surprises in life. I've felt that way too when people laughed at the details I noticed. Don't let that kill your spirit! I love htis pic!
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OP here... thanks for all of the great comments. I wasn't being hard on myself as much as making commentary to an a post I commented on earlier this week. I am happy to see there are others on this site who can see a little deeper outside of the confines of their own narrow minds. It's a beautiful thing ;)
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Don't cut that tree down, it's only half grown.
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This post is no comparison to the first one. The first was obviously composite. This could actually be real.
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I bet the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
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Was it obviously a composite? How do you know for sure? Do you hold all of the secrets to the universe?
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^ Why Yes, I do? But with this particular situation there is no need to use any of the secrets of the universe to understand that picture. Statistically alone that first photo was an impossibility, not just improbable but definitely impossible. First, it would be a billion to one odds or better that all those natural things could have come together for that exact image, including changing cloud patterns, that would multiply the odds against. Second it would be another billion to one or more that you or anyone would be there to witness it, and finally it would be a trillion to one or more that you would just happen to have a camera to take that picture, at that precise moment during that precise configuration. Anyone who believes that that was an unretouched picture would have to be simple-minded. Finally, that picture would be proof of the existence of God if it were real.
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Simple minded or an expanded mind? I do not believe in everything but I also admit that I do not hold the secrets to the universe. Frankly anyone who is arrogant to admit that they in fact do hold all the secrets to the universe is extremely arrogant, narcissistic and small minded. Time to get over yourself.
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I see dead people
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I see gay people
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Does this tree have nuts?
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Peach Pits are a bit hairy today.
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Old pic, seen this a thousand times, someone just wanted to see how many comments they could get....BOO
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^ NO No, OP wants us to believe. He actually took this pic, he's so observant, far more perceptive than any of us mortal narcissists. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
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What a putz! LOLOLOLOLOL!
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OP here. I did not take this pic, just found it to be appropriate. I do not care if you "believe" anything. What I do care about is that if you disbelieve something that you question yourself why. If the answer is because you haven't experienced it then acknowledge that your experience is limited and quit pretending as though your experiences, answers and thoughts are the only correct ones. We see the exact sort of thinking with religious fanatics and it is plain to see how much damage that sort of thinking has affected our world (for an example, see the movie Religulous). An expanded mind is going to be humble enough to admit their are as many different paths and experiences as there are stars in the universe. An ignorant, arrogant, small minded and contolling person is always going to believe that they are always right.
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The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
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Drop a hit of acid, then tell us what you see, if you're not too busy trying to turn off reality with your TV remote...
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It's a dancer, kicking a leg back, arching the body and reaching high with both arms....
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64 your quite deep, thats refreshing.
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