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I'll never forgive myself for what I did so I could escape ur abuse. How will I ever be able to look at my future children without thinking that I'm a murderer?

I'll never forgive myself for what I did so I could escape ur abuse. How will I ever be able to look at my future children without thinking that I'm a murderer?

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Category: Secrets

Wow, I'm a guy and went through basically the same thing. I made her get an abortion because I didn't want to be saddled with her psychotic ass the rest of my life due to a shared kid. (She lied about her birth control, as well as her mental state of mind.) I do wonder what my son would have been like though.
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Adding to my above post: Thinking you're a murderer will NEVER end... you just have to learn to live with it. I have for damn near 20 years now. The son I have now is my world; I can't change the past. But, I'll never tell him he might have had a brother...
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Adding again: Sorry, I hope someone here, reading this, and considering getting an abortion thinks about how they and the other person involved will feel 20 years down the road (and the rest of their lives) about a one-time decision they made. It's not just a lump of flesh...
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This is nothing more than a manipulative, right to life, poster who wants you to join the ranks of those incapable of making a decision on your own. Free will, people. That's what it is all about. Make your choices based upon your wants and needs. Don't look back once it's done. Playing head games like the last few posts have done are not in your best interest. Do what's right for you.
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^ Screw you, I'm not a "right to life" anything... It does take free will to decide whether or not to get an abortion. I'd recommend it to anyone about to have a biracial or otherwise defective child. Someone raped, molested, etc. I hope you had, or your wife or GF went through an abortion. If was easy for you, great. You still ended a life form, any way you want to "slice" it. We'll NEVER know for sure if we "murdered" someone or not until the Creator let's us in on it at the end of our lives here on Earth, will we?
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23 years later I still think of the child I paied some dr to kill. It's horrible but it's the choice I made years ago. Now I would keep that baby no matter what. After I had that abortion I always said I would never go through that again! The mental pain lingers forever.
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this is exactly why abortion should be illegal.
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^ to the people need to be able to make thier own choices, you can't protect people else will they learn? AND to the poster above that one...Exactly!
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4 up...What do you mean you recommend it to anyone having a bi-racial or a defective baby? Wow, saddens me that there are people like you that thinks this way.
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i just had a miscarriage and it was very difficult to lose what i considered to be my child, but i still think that any woman in a position to even consider abortion must be in a terribly desperate place so i choose not to judge them or their actions.....that's why i'm pro choice more than ever, because it's your right as a woman to decide whats best for your future family planing.
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YOU FUCKING BABY KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I challenge the above idiot to a fistfight.It's okay. There are millions of girls who had to do the same thing. The guy probably had crappy genes anyway and that might have caused a miscarriage. Who knows?
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You will be haunted by this ARE a murderer
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^ you are stupid..keep living in your bubble.To the op..your not a murderer, you just did what yout hought was best at the moment, sucks it probably wasn't the right thing though..I know I was there it never goes away but don't beat yourself up for it, there is nothing else you can do about it...just so you learn your lessons.
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Abortion is murder
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^no abortion is abortion.
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^^and who are you to judge anyway? if you don't want to get an abortion then don't get one, you stupid right-wing evantesticle christian extremest! that's what christians do best, JUDGE :( if fact my good christian grandparents forced their 16 year old daughter to get an abortion to save face at church. christians are also HYPOCRATES!!!
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You mean like, "Hippocrates of Cos" or hypocrites? Or, Hippo Crates?
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^your a DICK
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I'm sorry you feel bad; however, looking back in this sitution Never helps and your pain will only increase over time if you continue to do so. Unless you can Accept Why You Made That Choice and Trust that you did what you needed to do at that time, you will find no peace. You are not a murderer - you are a human Animal and sometimes a life isn't meant to be.
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It amazes me how people can claim to care so much about a child in utero (an unself-sustainable fetus), yet have no problem judging it, abusing it and treating it like shit the moment they're born, or calling its mother (once a fetus herself) a murderer for not carrying it to term. Judging from the Thousands of animals euthenized in this country every year, clearly the fun is in the JUDGMENT. How sad. I'm not sorry i had my abortion (22 years ago), and seeing how our society has regressed, i'm even less sorry now.
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people make mistakes before, during, and after.who are we to judge? i'm not enlightened enough to be sainted or a god.i'm an idiot and made my mistakes but you live with your decisions right or wrong and know that forgiveness is for the weak and repentent.
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What gets me are the whackos out there who murder the doctors who perform abortions. Yet, they think somehow THAT is different, or justified?!?
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^so right!
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You did what you had to for now, your children will forgive you in the future. Be at peace with yourself.
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You are not a murderer, and don't let any right wing goofballs tell you that! My mother was a religous woman who once told me: "If men could get pregnant, you could get an abortion around the clock, cash, check, or charge, and they would take shotguns and outboard motors in trade." Forgive yourself and move on!
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