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I don't know how to be part of my family. Sometimes I feel like my husband cramps my style and my kids too. I feel like I don't belong.

I don't know how to be part of my family. Sometimes I feel like my husband cramps my style and my kids too. I feel like I don't belong.

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Category: Secrets

If your family "cramps your style", then you are a narcissistic, conceited b****. Have you ever considered that having a family means giving up some degree of personal freedom for the good of the whole?
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Wow, you are something else...You family "cramps your style". I feel sorry for them.
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I can understand that. I've been married for 27 years and once the kids get older they all do their own things and hubby does his own things which do not interest me. My interests don't appeal to the rest of the family so I'm pretty much on my own. That doesn't mean I'm lost or that they don't love me. I love them and we are a family. I just don't enjoy sports and wresteling matches and they don't enjoy sewing and modeling clothes!
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Kids cramp everyones style.
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If kids cramp your style, then you had no style to begin with.
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I love kids but sometimes they do overwhelming and you just want some space. I get that. Husbands can Be the same way. This post is honest. People get offended when the truth is spoken, sometimes it hurts them.
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If you feel yourself wanting some "space", then you don't get what parenting is all about. It's about creating "space" in your life for a child. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't be a parent. Period.
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^um to late for that, how can you not be a parent when you already have kids? People need to think about things like that before having sex at all, let alone deciding to have children..people just don't and accidents happen, feelingthe need for space does not make someone a bad a person.
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It could be worse, he could crap your style
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You have people who love you living in the same house with you. If you feel like you don't belong that may be your fault, you are a part of something, you have people to talk to and hug and feed and love!
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I aint got least you got something.
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your kids cramp your style?? your a loser
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everybody that is giving you hell for this does not have children. period. kids are a pain in the ass. even though you love them. its very easy to lose yourself if "wife" and "mother". get a hobby and kiss your hub and kids goodbye for a few hours a week to pursue it. it will be good for everyone.
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I agree^
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I agree^ Your not a looser if you want to have some time and space to yourself. Kids are a full time job and then some. It doesn't mean you have to "sacrifice" your life, or even expect other people to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the children. Kids will be just fine, if you need a break or your own time-out then your entitled. Swap with your hubby, one day a week he gets time to himself and one day a week you get time to yourself. But as a previous poster said, as kids get older, they do not need as much attention. It gets easier to manage...provided you did your job as a parent when they were young.
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^um i think you are forgetting that she thinks they "cramp her style"....what does style have to do with being a mother? it's like she is inferring she is cooler then them or they are like her kid sister that's following her around in middle school. i would give anything to have those kinds of cramps in life :(
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