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I never thought I would say this, but today's pot is just too damn strong. I miss the old days of "joint dope." I just can't handle it like my younger friends.

I never thought I would say this, but today's pot is just too damn strong. I miss the old days of "joint dope." I just can't handle it like my younger friends.

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Category: Secrets

in my day we had to walk 3 miles in the snow just to get a kids have it to easy these days.quit your whining and get off my lawn.
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Are you serious? You SUCK! Today's weed ROCKS my socks!
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^ Yeah, no shit! There is some great stuff out there. I like to take a few hits and have then have sex. It makes it that much better!
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It's a government conspiracy... LMAO!
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Really? I heard the stuff they had back in the 60's and 70's was 100x stronger. Grow or buy homegrown with pure, non-crossbred seeds and maybe you'll get something like the old stuff
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No, the old stuff from the 60's-70's had MUCH lower THC levels. It was basically "wild" weed, and had nowhere near the concentration levels of the hybrid stuff of today. There's no comparison; it's like comparing ketchup to Tabasco sauce.
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people near me must be getting crap then.i always hear them calling it "sock weed" because i guess that's what it smells like.
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Today's weed is more like morphine. Still though, no one has ever died from it. The initial paranoia is hard with the stronger stuff too. Once the paranoia goes away, it is incredible.
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^ def true! I get mad paranoid but then calm down and ride the's wonderful
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Oh yeah what I smoked in the 70s doesnt come close to what the younger crowd gets me stoned on now, except when I was lucky and got some Semilean (spelled wrong) or columbine or maui waui.... Now that was good stuff.
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I wish I could go on vacation to the early 70's, nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there again. Pot made me stupid and lazy, I guess current pot would make me stupid and lazy only more so. It made me smell like pot, made me incredibly paranoid, cost a fortune, made me very wary of cops, helped me to lose my keys, made me forget what I was doing or what I was supposed to do, made me miss my turns while driving. Pot is so much fun.
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I want what you got!! You must have the GOOD SHIT!!
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Yeah and what's up with all the fancy names. Just call it pot. Jeez Louise.I hate when I call to score some shit and they ask, do you want bubble gum or crazy lady? I want f***ing pot. Oh well my 2 cents.
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Just go get stoned and quit with the pot postings already. Doesn't anyone have any originality anymore? Mindless sheep i say...
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This is the only posting about pot I have made.
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Poor Baby
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WTF is a "lidder"? LMAO! ;P
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where's the dank?
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Forget about the pot. MUSHROOMS are on the rise. Now we are talking seriously about being high....LOL
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I think what he is missing is the "ritual" of smoking pot. Pot Parties were awesome. Sitting around passing joint after joint around. Cant do that anymore, a couple hits and that's it. Oh well, I like it better now anyway.
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^ Every time I watch "That 70's Show" when they are passing it around the table, smoke everywhere, it takes me back...
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Light weights the lot of you
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No fooling! The weed they smoke now, half a dozen hits and you will see ghosts and hear voices and see the walls breathing! (This is not no lie either!)
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