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We have been together for 13 years, have a beautiful daughter. I don't regret one second of our marriage. But your mother needs to back off.

We have been together for 13 years, have a beautiful daughter. I don't regret one second of our marriage. But your mother needs to back off.

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Category: Secrets

See for me its my husbands father that needs to back off and i told him off one day and now he doesn't call every day and things like that. Even though my husband will be more of a man then his father ever was.
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If you've been with your spouse for 13 years, and she still gives you crap, than she's just a b@#ch. Either that or she just jealous of her child, or your spouse is talking crap to her behind your back.
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Set boundaries fast!
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^Read three comments above your own comment. Women are usually more possessive of their sons, and fathers are typically more protective of their daughters. There are some outliers, but that's typically the case. Most daughters will and do ask their fathers for space. I know I have. On the same front, it's the son's job to make sure he leaves his mother's nest before starting his own. Parents will always try to meddle, it's their job to care. It's the child's responsibility to let the parent know when to let go of the bicycle seat.
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3^ Aha, you must be the mother in law... guess what... not all of us turn out like our MIL's, like you. Some of us know how to break the cycle and do it in a way that is not at all catty or b****y. It's called boundaries and mutual respect. If a MIL cannot or will not practice mutual respect with their DIL because they see themselves as superior then the DIL should put up firm boundaries until MIL gets it. That includes keeping the kids from them. If MIL has no respect for DIL then it is pretty clear she will not respect any parenting decisions. A childs parents are the two most important people in a childs life and anyone who tries to f*** that up in any way deserves the alienation that they get until they learn to be respectful.
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I totally have the MIL problem to. she always tries to undermine my athority with my kids and my household. and instead of sticking up for me he just says he doesnt want to get into it. it f***ing pisses me off. she looks down on me because im younger. but you know what hold a person is does not make them irresponsible. Im trying to teach responsibility to my kids and not trying to tell them that they can get whatever then want like her kids did and still do. i dont spend a could thousand dollars on meaningless christas presents and then not have the money to pay my rent like she does. an yet im the disrespectful one because i didnt want the fake christmas tree she bought after i told her for week that i would never put a fake one in my house (I am into nature and would never put plastc plants in my house). Now my 4 year old thinks that she needs everything and if i say no she says "ill just ask grandma she'll get it for me" Oh and by the way i will not be like this with my children. i respect peoples beliefs and i would not go against how my kids live there lives unless it is truly unhealthy and dangerous.
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my ex inlaws ruined my marriage. well them, drinking, cheating, abuse and a few unmetionables.
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start acting nasty in front of her and make her feel uncomfortable...that in mind you can always put her phone number on sum dating site then set back and laugh.
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How about you, me and my mother have a threesome?
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