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I like to fart in empty aisles in the supermarket!!

I like to fart in empty aisles in the supermarket!!

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Category: secrets

me too, and I go s step more I bust stink bombs where I know people will go and have to stand for a while. You know bus stops, elevators, stores/supermarkets, public bathrooms ect ect...
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LMFAO!!! I thought I was the only person who did that besides old people who "let one slip"!
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I love it, while shopping with the wife to let one go then silently walk away as other customers come into the cluster bomb and give my wife a look of disdain!!!!!! LOL!!
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I sincerely hope someone who is really rank does the same thing to all of you while you're in their presence, in a closed room, without ventilation, and the room is big enough to hold 4 people!
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I do this thing called crop dusting I walk by old women and fart real loud when i'm close to em and they look at each other and sneer
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I do this too!
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I have to say this gave me a really good laugh. especially the picture, because my mom and I say that all the time. :o) Have to admit I have done it.
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My ex bf used to fart really loud and walk away. I have to admit, the first few times it was hilarious. My fellow shoppers would stare at me with a look of horror.
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Elevators are the worst! Especially if you hit all the buttons right when you get off.
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I do this too one time i rushed out of that aisle and was in next aisle over and almost fell on floor laughing when I heard person in the fart aisle say "ohh wee somebody shot themself" I'm laughing typing this....soo funny
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