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Im 21 years old and no girl/woman has ever seen or touched my might never happen either

Im 21 years old and no girl/woman has ever seen or touched my might never happen either

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My first time I was 23. I thought the same thing when I was 21, and even when I was 23. Just make sure not to move too fast. It's caused me the greatest pain of my entire life.
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No worries. You'll find the right girl.
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It's possible... but you have so many years ahead that I suspect it's unlikely. Don't worry. Live your life. Treat women well but DON'T be a doormat - be confident. It's virtually certain that you will meet several women who will take 'that' kind of interest in you.
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I was 15 years old.. Haha loser
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Twenty one is nothing - don't worry about it. You'll do just fine!
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