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I am 21 and have been married to a soldier for 2 years. I love him more then life. He beats me and talks down to me and I cant seem to walk away.

I am 21 and have been married to a soldier for 2 years. I love him more then life. He beats me and talks down to me and I cant seem to walk away.

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Category: Secrets

Maybe he has permanent KP duty.
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You have mental problems and should get help. So does he!
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that's why i would never date a military man, their ALL like that!
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^ wrong!! don't lable!!!! PEOPLE ARE INDIVIDUALS!!!!!! my father was military and he was very loving,and never cheated on my mother!!! i was married to one who was never militery and treated me harshly!! just because thats the typical doesn't mean it's the norm!! i could give a list of those men i know who are military who don't fall into your catagory of norm and give you a list of those who do both military and not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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He is damaged goods and this will scar you permanently! You need to walk away and never look back!
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The fact that he is a soldier is completely irrelevant to the fact that he beats you. Lots of men beat their wives, military or not. If you didn't want to put up with it, you would have left already. Either move out or shut up.
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um, if he learned how to beat and kill people professionally maybe he was not such a bright pick in the first place....and another thing, just as many people enter the military for personal gain which is sick! hey pay for my collage and i will kill people for you....SICK SICK SICK!!!!! and i get to pay for you and kids free fUckinG healthcare for life, your worse than getto welfare babys mamma's that live in the core :(
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my sisters boyfriend joined the army to pay for college and he spent his whole "tour" in the kitchen on base cooking food. they paid him 70 thousand dollars for his education on top of all the benefits he will receive as a "veteran" over the course of his life. the best part? he admitted that he only joined for financial gain....not because he believed in a cause. oh, and he liked to beat my siste...coincidence? i think not :(
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you are probably what is known as a "inverted narcissist" people who actually gain self esteem by trying to please the impossible to please. Google it.
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To the fourth person, not all military men are like that you idiot. I'm ex-military and so is my husband and we don't beat each other. To the person who wrote this, you need to tell his supervisor what he's doing before its too late. His supervisors will what to do about him and they will help you. BUT DON'T WAIT AROUND!!! DO IT NOW AND GO TELL SOMEONE!!
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There is help for you honey... from one battered, beaten woman to another, there are options, please, for your sake, find those options. There is more help and support available to you than you know. Please do it now before it's too late. He can get help too... just, please do it now.
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Please call a domestic abuse hotline and get the help you need..u don't deserve this and you can get out with help...this will only get worse...I am a man..and no women , EVER should be hit. Please get out while you can.
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What do you love about him? Is it worth all the scars? What will happend when you have kids???? What if he beats (or worse) them??? Please think of yourself, and leave.
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The comment that told you to go to his superior is absolutely right. The military doesn't want anything bad being said so they take care of it.
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hmmm my husband is army, and sure we do get some great benefits and good healthcare, but my husband has been away from home 20 out of the last 36 months. So calling us Welfare babies is highly offensive to me. OP you do need to go up his chain of command. They will get him help or at least hold him accountable.
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you both need help soon!
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You BOTH have severe problems. It's up to YOU to get help fist. Please do before it's to late. I honestly don't believe you love him, you just don't know what to do.
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^^if he is actually working, then it's not welfare....but to pay someone 70 grand plus healthcare FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES to peel potatoes because you told them when you signed up "you wouldn't feel comfortable with any physical combat" and they let that that is a waste of FucKing money. but the military wants people sooooo bad they will take anyone with a pulse! as far as your hubby being away for 20 months that is his choice, he joined. and if you think about it 20 months out of 36 months averaged out is how much normal people work everyday (just not over seas)yet we get none of the benefits other than all our tax money goes to pay for your families life long health insurance....and don't fprget how you get cheap gas on base and pay no taxes on things like purchasing appliances...i mean come on! grow up and pay for your own ShIt just like everyone else has too who has a job!!!
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I am the woman who made this post. For someone to say military families are worse then people on welfare how dare you. I'll be the first person to admit my husband is a bastard but he's a 13 Bravo(field artillery) so he's spent the last year in Iraq dodging bullets and mortars, not cooking. As for all the people who say I dont love him. Why would I stay if I didnt? That man is my life. Then only other person I have is my dying mother. I'm not scared of being alone, I just know who he really is and this isn't it. He was never like this till he found out he was being deployed. As for going through his chain of command...I had him arrested for assualt and JAG helped him get off so he could deploy. They dont give a shit. But thank you to all the people who showed concern. It made me cry because nobody else cares.
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Stop it. Stop it now. Young lady, you have a full life ahead of you and unless you break this pattern, you will be living like this for the rest of your life. You do not want that. If he wont go get help, then you have an obligation to yourself and any children you have or will have to get him help. First make an appointment with the base psycologist. Tell him of the situation. Start there. You can't allow this to continue.
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For that Bastard Mother Fucker above that is complaining about how they have to pay for the military welfare dependants, you can shove a knife in your chest or denounce your citizenship and move to Angola you stupid clown Fuck joke. You'd be speaking Japanese, Russian or German this day if it wasn't for those soldiers that give their lives so you even have an opportunity to say such demeaning and condescending BullShit. You can kiss my Ass you MotherFucker.
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Actually I pay 5 cents a gallon less than the off post gas station. While the groceries are "tax free" we still pay a surcharge which almost always is equal to the tax I would pay at walmart. We pay for out health insurance... sure not as much as some civilians but a hell of a lot more than the members of Congress. My dental insurance is actually not as good as we had before he enlisted. If he gets out before his 20 years is up we loose all this loveliness anyway. They don't give you lifelong health or any money monthly unless you RETIRE from the army. And really, even if you peel potatoes for 20 years do you not deserve retirement? Yeah 20 months deployed is not nearly as bad as some of what my friends husbands have done, and I am not complaining I am a fairly happy army wife. But trust me it is more stressful than most civilian jobs. I know, we were married for 8 years before we decided to get into the army instead.
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i love how this dude beats her and treats her like shit yet she defends how "great" he is....yeah right! any man who beats you is a FuCkinG loser!!! maybe the fact that they taught him how to shoot and kill people changed him...hmmm what a thought! and the fact that the army covered up the fact that he is a wife beater so he could continue his tour....well that just takes the cake doesn't it??? the army doesn't want to deal with problems, they just want warm bodies to send over!
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Maybe a sniper's bullet will end his and your misery?
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Just don't divorce him and find some other poor slob. You trashy military wives deserve anything you get. Stop b****ing, b****.
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hopefully he dies and you get free benefits for the rest of your life! how cool would that be???
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How many years do you want to live like this? decide now 6, 10, 15 your choice
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tell someone in his platoon. theyll take care of his ass. most dont tolerate that and will settle his ass down.
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^ That's right! Queers don't take that too kindly, messing with one of their own effeminates.
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Wow I honestly cant believe the ignorance of some people. You wish death on someone because he's doing something that jail time or anger management can help? Oh and trashy military wives? I'm a f***ing military life muthf***er and our husbands are out risking their lives so defend your right to sit on your fat f***ing ass eating cheetos and judging other people online. Why dont you get off you obese ass and go eat a bullet. You would be doing the whole world a HUGE favor.
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I've been following this post for a while now, always coming back to it. I've even posted a supportive comment (unlike you other heartless jackasses). It saddens me to see that the Free Speech our soldiers protect and fight for is being so negatively used against them. You sit there, behind your computer screens, typing happily away on your keyboard feeling better about yourself because you've called someone "trashy" or because you want to put our boys in the military down. Everything you have you owe to them. And to speak of this poor woman like you are... your words and actions are a disgrace to the rest of us. This is not how Americans should speak or act. You should truly be ashamed of yourselves, because I'm pretty ashamed to have to bear that title with you. Honey, please... there is help out there. Take the first step. It will be the biggest step to take, but well worth it. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it's always right.
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The fact that he is a soldier is completely irrelevant to the fact that he beats you. Lots of men beat their wives, military or not. If you didn't want to put up with it, you would have left already. Either move out or shut up.
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We owe our national debt to our military expenditures. Thanks, a** ****s.
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I sure wish I could buy a gallon of milk for 87cents rather than 3.75! Doesn't the rest of America deserve to eat?
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To the young lady who posted this....get help now, the situation will not improve. To the anti-military trolls who posted above....get a life. If you are so jealous of all the pay and benefits military ppl enjoy, and so scornful of the sacrifices they make, then join up, and find out firsthand how great those benefits are, and how insignificant the sacrifices.
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Are we supposed to feel sorry for you for enjoying abuse? What is your problem? Men do what women let them get away with - you have nobody to blame for this situation but yourself. Either grow some spine or go to Sears and buy some boxing gloves.
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