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I overdosed you because I couldn't stand to see you in so much pain and i couldn't afford a vet. you were my best friend for so long, i'm sorry and i love you.

I overdosed you because I couldn't stand to see you in so much pain and i couldn't afford a vet. you were my best friend for so long, i'm sorry and i love you.

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Category: Secrets

Hopefully they didn't suffer when you overdosed them. It is hard to watch a beloved pet suffer. They don't deserve that but they do deserve a humane end. I wish you would have taken the pet to the vets.
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Awwww. I feel you. I didn't have money to save my pet and the damn vet made me put him down bc he was in so much pain. I remember him and I want to cry. He had the most amazing green eyes. AWwwww OREO!! we miss you.
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I think I would have cancelled my internet connection and tried a little harder to afford the vet. Now if it was incurable then I totally understand but I couldn't kill my cats just to save a few bucks. I'd go without my computer and tv to save their lives.
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Don't be sorry for being humane;however, it is an animal and you are it's steward. If you want to repay and honor your pet , next time you've got money donate time and the money to a homeless shelter. Folk's, the worst human being on earth has more value than all the animals in the world,they've got a soul. Animals are placed here for our benefit and have no soul. It doesn't diminish their worth, but in the great scheme of things. Humanity trumps all other being's.
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^^you sound like a jerk! obviously this person did the best thing they could given their least they didn't let it continue to suffer. oh and i have helped put dogs down in a vet clinic....overdosing them on a medication is no different than the injection.
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i'm the original poster. to the one that stated i needed to cancel my internet service to afford the vet, just so you know, i didnt' have the internet at the time. she had been sick for a while, and stopped walking and eating. i hand fed her and cleaned her up when she went to the bathroom. she was constantly in pain. she didn't suffer, she went to sleep in my lap with my arms and her blankie wrapped around her. she purred till the very end.
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sounds like you did the most loving thing you could do for your little one.
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^^you obviously really loved her! xo
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5^ wow. You are really full of yourself. If we are judged on anything in life I believe it will be in how we treated those entrusted to us. The fact that we give our most terrible criminals a better life and death than our animals (both food and companion) shows that we are not good enough to be the planets most powerful beings. We will all be punished for it. I cannot change it, but neither will I respect or be gentle to those that perpetuate and ignore the atrocity. You are not God. Your dog accepts you for who you are, he forgives you anything, he loves you unconditionally and you do realize what dog becomes when you spell it backwards. It is our test. We have failed thus far.
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I am in the same cat Tiger is getting sick (oh i do not have a computer i us a friends)he is 16 now and the light of my life.i 2 will have to do the same thing.i love him so much.And yes if i have the cash when time comes he will go to the vet.if not then i will do what i have to do.I promised him it wud be with all my heart.AND YES I WILL GIVE PART OF MY PENSION TO THE SPCA HERE IN MY TOWN EVERY MONTH.
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Humans like to think they are the most important creatures,but they are not.
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