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Merry X-Mas

Merry X-Mas

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Category: Secrets

Fröhliche Weihnachten!
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^^maybe they didn't want to OFFEND people who are not bible thumpers dick!
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Ho Ho HOs?
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2 up they offended me by putting the X there.
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I know, its so offensive calling something what it is. If someone said Happy Hanukkah to me I wouldn't be offended. Christmas is Christmas, if you don't celebrate it, that's fine.
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There is no X in Christmas.
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Flease Navidog...
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maybe the op is celebrating x-mas, not christmas like all you offended so called christians!
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i love how christians really think this is their holiday when in reality they stole a paegan tradition as a way to reform non christians to christianity. originally the "christmas tree" was really bows of evergreens that were brought inside to celebrate life in the depths of winter when everything else was dead with the hope that spring would soon return. jesus wasn't even born in december yet no one really cares because the bible has better special affects than a disney movie! so get upset that non christians call it x-mas if you want to, i bet there are a bunch of paegans who were pretty pissed that you stole it from them in the first place!
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^ Merry Christmas!
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^Merry X-mas ;)
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If Christmas is PAGAN or CHRISTIAN, honestly, what difference does it really make?Its a time to celibrate life, friends
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Taking the Christ out of Christmas, way to go, Al Queada. and thanks for trying to bomb the airplane in Detroit.
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The X in Greek has always stood for the "Chi". Hens the early christians would put the X to identify themselve to others. So originally Yes There Was an X in christmas.
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Oh yes and please do remember those fun loveing Moslem. Dont they love to Inspire us all. If they really do want to kill themselves may we could help them. Lets give them a real JiHad"Holly War" like we did Hiroshim and Nagasaki.
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^not very christian of you tehe!
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Al Gayda can suck my rooster.
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Holy crap people, a lot of what is celebrated is symbolic borrowed from many traditions. Why don't we appreciate the similarities in all major religions and not the differences.Spelling, Schmelling try "Peace on Earth"
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5-up.....Hens are female chickens...the word you are trying to use to impress everyone with your knowledgs is, HENCE. Hence, you aren't as knowledgeable as you would love to be, but you just keep on a 'tryin, sweet nips !
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^I don't care about hens, but you can still suck my ROOSTER!
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Thanks to whoever tried to remain in the spirit! I'm ready to shoot myself, can we all please just hope or pray (whatever your preference) for a prosperous New Year?!
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Pray for the complete total anhiliation of Al Gayda.
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^^^Al Gayda. That is very fitting seeing as they screw sheep, goats and each other!!!!!!!
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The Al Gayda underwear bomber is also known as the undiebomber and "Fruit of the Loon". I hope you get horribly butt raped in prison every day of your pitiful life.
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I know that it's not still Christmas, but Merry Christmas to you too.
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